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Video 1: Arthur the King (2024) 2024 Full Movie
Video 2: Arthur the King (2024) 2024 Full Movie

Arthur the King GudangMovies21 Rebahinxxi LK21
Mark Wahlberg sebagai Michael Light Simu Liu sebagai Liam Juliet Rylance sebagai Helena Light Nathalie Emmanuel Ali Suliman Rob Collins Michael Landes Bear Grylls sebagi dirinya sendiri Paul GuilfoyleProduksi
Baltasar Kormákur awalnya akan menyutradarai film ini, tetapi keluar dari proyek karena konflik jadwal. Pemilihan pemeran Mark Wahlberg diumumkan pada Juli 2019. Pada Desember 2020, diumumkan bahwa Simu Liu, Ali Suliman dan Rob Collins bergabung menjadi pemeran di film dan Simon Cellan Jones menyutradarai menggantikan Kormákur. Paramount Players awalnya akan menjadi distributor, tetapi meninggalkan proyek untuk alasan yang tidak diketahui dan kemudian digantikan oleh Lionsgate pada Juni 2020. Syuting direncanakan dimulai di Puerto Riko pada musim gugur tahun itu. Pada bulan Desember, dilaporkan bahwa Lionsgate juga meninggalkan proyek film ini. Syuting kemudian dimulai pada Januari 2021, di Republik Dominika. Pada November 2023, Lionsgate kembali bergabung sebagai distributor dan menjadwalkan perilisan pada 15 Maret 2024.Referensi
Arthur the King (2024) – Selama sepuluh hari dan 435 mil, ikatan yang tak terpisahkan terjalin antara pembalap petualang profesional Michael Light dan anjing jalanan tangguh yang dijuluki Arthur. Saat tim didorong hingga batas ketahanan mereka dalam perlombaan, Arthur mendefinisikan ulang apa arti kemenangan, kesetiaan, dan persahabatan yang sebenarnya. Arthur the King (2024)
Arthur the King
Daftar Isi
- Arthur the King - Rotten Tomatoes
- Arthur the King - Movie Reviews - Rotten Tomatoes
- Arthur the King - Rotten Tomatoes
- King Arthur: Legend of the Sword - Rotten Tomatoes
- Arthur the King - Trailers & Videos | Rotten Tomatoes
- The King (2019) - Rotten Tomatoes
- King Arthur - Rotten Tomatoes
- King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table - Rotten Tomatoes
- King Arthur - Movie Reviews - Rotten Tomatoes
- Arthur the King - Trailers & Videos | Rotten Tomatoes
Arthur the King - Rotten Tomatoes
Based on an incredible true story, ARTHUR THE KING follows Light, desperate for one last chance to win, as he convinces a sponsor to back him and a team of athletes (Simu Liu, …
Arthur the King - Movie Reviews - Rotten Tomatoes
“Arthur the King” is an entertaining enough adventure yarn about a shaggy, scruffy creature who barks and growls while scrapping through the jungles of the Dominican Republic.
Arthur the King - Rotten Tomatoes
A woman falls into an icy cave at Stonehenge and sees King Arthur (Malcolm McDowell), Merlin (Edward Woodward) and Morgan le Fay (Candice Bergen).
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword - Rotten Tomatoes
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword piles mounds of modern action flash on an age-old tale -- and wipes out much of what made it a classic story in the first place. Read Critics Reviews
Arthur the King - Trailers & Videos | Rotten Tomatoes
View HD Trailers and Videos for Arthur the King on Rotten Tomatoes, then check our Tomatometer to find out what the Critics say.
The King (2019) - Rotten Tomatoes
In "The King," a film released on Netflix, he takes on a medieval role as a young monarch striving to assert his power and prove himself.
King Arthur - Rotten Tomatoes
Arthur frees one of them, Guinevere (Keira Knightley), who in turn brokers a truce between Arthur and the Britons so as to ward off an invading Saxon army.
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table - Rotten Tomatoes
Vowing revenge, Morgana and her son return to Earth 1,500 years later, and they are hell-bent on destroying every descendant of King Arthur. Director Jared Cohn
King Arthur - Movie Reviews - Rotten Tomatoes
Guinevere, no dainty princess she, is a kind of hardened medieval feminist, and the aggressor to Arthur's bashful but equally driven warrior, in both bed and on the battlefield.
Arthur the King - Trailers & Videos | Rotten Tomatoes
View HD Trailers and Videos for Arthur the King on Rotten Tomatoes, then check our Tomatometer to find out what the Critics say.