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Nonton film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) terbaru sub indo

NONTON FILM Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) FILM SUBTITLE INDONESIA | GUDANGMOVIES21

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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom adalah film petualangan tahun 1984 yang disutradarai oleh Steven Spielberg. Ini adalah film kedua dari seri Indiana Jones, dan prekuel dari Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981). Setelah sampai di India, Indiana Jones diminta oleh sebuah desa yang putus asa untuk mengambil sebuah batu ajaib. Dia setuju, dan bertemu dengan sekte Thuggee penyembah dewi Kali yang melakukan pembudakan anak kecil, sihir hitam, dan ritual pengorbanan manusia. Produser George Lucas berencana membuat film ini sebagai prekuel karena dia tidak ingin para Nazi menjadi penjahatnya lagi. Ide aslinya adalah film dengan lokasi di Cina, dengan sebuah lembah tersembunyi dihuni oleh dinosaurus. Cerita yang ditolak lainnya termasuk raja monyet dan sebuah rumah hantu di Skotlandia. Willard Huyck dan Gloria Katz menulis skenarionya, sementara para pembuat film tidak diizinkan untuk mengambil film di India Utara karena menurut pemerintahnya skenario film ini rasis. Sebagian besar pengambilan gambar Temple of Doom dilakukan di Elstree Studios, Hertfordshire, Inggris. Harrison Ford terluka sewaktu pengambilan gambar. Biarpun banyak masalah, Spielberg menyelesaikan syuting tepat waktu. Film ini ketika pertama kali beredar mendapatkan pujian sekaligus kritikan, yang membuat film ini dikenakan rating PG-13. Walaupun demikian, Temple of Doom tetap menjadi film sukses dan mendapat sambutan positif sejak 1984.


= Daftar Soundtrack

= "Anything Goes" (sung in Mandarin by Kate Capshaw) "Fast Streets Of Shanghai" "Nocturnal Activities" "Short Round's Theme" "Children In Chains" "Slalom On Mt. Humol" "The Temple Of Doom" "Bug Tunnel And Death Trap" "Slave Children's Crusade" "The Mine Car Chase" "Finale And End Credits"

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Temple of Doom at Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom di IMDb (dalam bahasa Inggris) Temple of Doom at The Indiana Jones Wiki

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) – Setelah tiba di India, Indiana Jones diminta oleh sebuah desa yang putus asa untuk menemukan sebuah batu mistis. Ia setuju – dan menemukan sebuah sekte rahasia yang merencanakan rencana mengerikan di katakombe sebuah istana kuno. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)

Posted on:
Tagline:If adventure has a name… it must be Indiana Jones.
Duration: 118 Min
Language:普通话, English, සිංහල
Budget:$ 28.000.000,00
Revenue:$ 333.000.000,00
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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Daftar Isi

English translation of the temple chants in Indiana Jones and the ...

May 28, 2016 · Well, I am not quite sure about the background chants (something in Sanskrit language) but Mola Ram (Amrish Puri) prays to Kali Maa* (considered as goddess of power) in the "Temple of Doom's heart removal scene" as follows:

What does Indy say to the villagers in "Temple of Doom"?

Nov 3, 2015 · There's a scene in "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" where Harrison Ford and Kate Capshaw receive food from an impoverished group of Indians. (This is after Kate and Harrison fall out of a plane in an inflatable boat and ride down whitewater rapids.) If my memory's right, Kate says it's disgusting.

indiana jones - Why is Temple of Doom a prequel? - Movies & TV …

Feb 1, 2017 · Temple of Doom was the second Indiana Jones movie, but it was set before Raiders of the Lost Ark. Why was the decision made to set the second movie before the first? I didn't notice any story points that wouldn't have worked just as well set after Raiders.

How did Mola "betray Shiva" in Indiana Jones and the Temple of …

In the ending of Indiana Jones 2, Indy accuses Mola Ram, the priest, of "betraying Shiva" or something like that, causing the Sankara stones to ignite and eventually to kill Mola. How had Mola betr...

Did Spielberg plan on having Lao Che return in Indiana Jones …

Dec 11, 2017 · Lao Che is a Chinese gangster in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, played by Roy Chiao. The Wikipedia section on the character has the following unsourced section: Before the death of Roy Chiao, Steven Spielberg was planning to return Che in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but he declined the idea after Chiao's death in ...

indiana jones - What is Mola Ram looking at in this shot?

Jun 20, 2019 · In "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom", what is Mola Ram looking at in this shot below? Is he looking at the Maharajah or is he looking at Willie, Short Round and Indy?

Why does Mola Ram only use the village kids for slave labor?

Jul 16, 2019 · Also, I guess Lucas and Spielberg enter kids to the story to give a fantastic atmosphere that suitable for teenager viewer and Indiana Jones series fans, and replacing with adult slave workers could change the atmosphere to serious and almost more violence that suitable just for adult viewers.

Why didn't he take the kids? - Movies & TV Stack Exchange

May 4, 2017 · After Indiana, Willie and Short Round free the children from their chains, the children start running toward the opening of the cave to escape. While the children are escaping, Indiana gets stopped by a man and fighting ensues.

Questions tagged [indiana-jones-and-temple-of-doom] - Movies

Questions tagged [indiana-jones-and-temple-of-doom] Ask Question 1984 Sequel to "Raiders of the Lost Ark", starring Harrison Ford as an archaeologist who comes across a murderous, child kidnapping cult in India

Is Amy right about Indiana Jones being irrelevant to the outcome?

Oct 13, 2013 · As for how Indiana Jones got the Ark off of the island, the answer isn't really revealed in the movie, but the most logical conclusion I have is that he stole the submarine that the Nazis used to travel to the island. Note: I don't remember where I saw it (might have been in TBBT), but there was a comment that without Indiana Jones, the Ark ...

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