• Source: 2016 in Cape Verde
    • The following lists events that happened during 2016 in Cape Verde.


      President: Jorge Carlos Fonseca
      Prime Minister: José Maria Neves (until 22 June), José Ulisses Correia e Silva (from 22 June)


      January 20: Tarrafal camp museum in Santiago Island opened by Prime Minister José Maria Neves and the Portuguese Premier António Costa
      March 20: the 2016 parliamentary election took place
      April 20: Jorge Pedro Mauricio dos Santos president of the National Assembly
      April 22: Ulisses Correia e Silva Prime Minister of Cape Verde
      June 22: The current Correia e Silva cabinet begins
      September: The Prime Minister and members of his government met with the IMF to discuss the 2016 Article IV consultation.
      September 4: the 2016 municipal elections took place
      October 2: the 2016 presidential elections took place, President Jorge Carlos Fonseca was re-elected


      CS Mindelense won the Cape Verdean Football Championship


      September 16: António Mascarenhas Monteiro (b. 1944), politician and Prime Minister


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