- Source: ABU TV Song Festival 2018
- Pemilihan Member Single ke-26 JKT48
- Daftar acara RCTI
- Milet (penyanyi)
- Ariana Grande
- Arya Aditya Ramadhya
- Hanin Dhiya
- Beastars
- Maō Gakuin no Futekigōsha
- Hichki
- Daftar penampilan JKT48 melalui media di Indonesia
- ABU TV Song Festival 2018
- ABU TV Song Festival
- ABU Song Festivals
- ABU TV Song Festival 2017
- ABU Radio Song Festival
- ABU TV Song Festival 2019
- ABU Radio Song Festival 2012
- Vietnam in the ABU TV Song Festival
- Afghanistan in the ABU TV Song Festival
- Turkey in the ABU TV Song Festival
The ABU TV Song Festival 2018 was the seventh annual edition of the ABU TV Song Festivals.
The event, which is non-competitive, took place in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan and coinciding with the 55th General Assembly of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU).
List of participants
A total of sixteen countries took part in the ABU TV Song Festival 2018. Benin, Russia and Uzbekistan made their debut in the event, with Kyrgyzstan and Turkey returning. China, Malaysia and Zambia all withdrew from the festival. Benin represented the entry from the African Union of Broadcasting.
See also
ABU TV Song Festival
ABU Radio Song Festival 2018
Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union
Eurovision Song Contest 2018
Eurovision Young Musicians 2018
Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2018
External links
Official website