- Source: Christakis
- Nicholas A. Christakis
- Holisme
- Metabolisme
- Hokah
- Republik Otonom Epirus Utara
- Televisi
- Penyakit terminal
- Heuristik sosial
- Bias antarkelompok
- Analisis jaringan sosial
- Christakis
- Nicholas Christakis
- Erika Christakis
- Dimitri Alexander Christakis
- Christakis Zografos
- Alexander Christakis
- Georgios Christakis-Zografos
- Baby Einstein
- Christakis Christoforou
- Friendship paradox
Christakis (Greek: Χρηστάκης) is a name of Greek origin and may refer to:
Alexander Christakis (born 1937), Greek-American social scientist, systems scientist and cyberneticist
Erika Christakis, American expert in early childhood education
Georgios Christakis-Zografos (1863–1920), Greek politician
Nicholas A. Christakis (born 1962), American physician and social scientist
Given name
Christakis Charalambides (Stephanos of Tallinn, born 1940), primate of the Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church
Christakis Zografos (1820–1898), Greek banker