- (514762) 2007 EH99
- (507178) 2010 HO22
- (57644) 2001 TV201
- (51346) 2000 QX158
- (55441) 2001 TS87
- (58153) 1988 RH11
- (54581) 2000 QW170
- (51351) 2000 QO218
- (54626) 2000 SJ49
- (58478) 1996 RC29
- Postcodes in the United Kingdom
- List of postcode areas in the United Kingdom
- EH postcode area
- Scottish Parliament Building
- List of minor planets: 97001–98000
- Holyrood, Edinburgh
- List of Extra Credits episodes
- List of minor planets: 514001–515000
- List of minor planets: 553001–554000
- List of minor planets: 416001–417000