- Source: Enborne Copse
Enborne Copse is a 11.9-hectare (29-acre) biological Site of Special Scientific Interest west of Newbury in Berkshire. It is a Nature Conservation Review site.
The current woodland boundary is almost identical to that shown on Rocque's map of Berkshire in 1761, but most of it is now a conifer plantation and only the area designated as an SSSI retains its semi-natural broad leaved woodland.
The site has the following flora:
= Trees
=Betula pubescens
Tilia cordata
Quercus robur
Salix caprea
Viburnum opulus
Sorbus aucuparia
Sambucus nigra
Frangula alnus
Malus sylvestris
Quercus cerris
= Other plants
=Convallaria majalis
Primula vulgaris
Polygonatum multiflorum
Euphorbia amygdaloides
Lamium galeobdolon
Hyacinthoides non-scripta