• Source: Ganeshpur, Chanditala-I
  • Ganeshpur is a village in Chanditala community development block of Srirampore subdivision in Hooghly district in the Indian state of West Bengal.


    Ganeshpur is located at 22.7044234°N 88.1750038°E / 22.7044234; 88.1750038.

    = Gram panchayat

    Villages in Ainya gram panchayat are: Akuni, Aniya, Bandpur, Banipur, Bara Choughara, Dudhkanra, Ganeshpur, Goplapur, Jiara, Kalyanbati, Mukundapur, Sadpur and Shyamsundarpur.


    As per 2011 Census of India, Ganeshpur had a population of 474 of which 233 (49%) were males and 241 (51%) were females. Population below 6 years was 43. The number of literates in Ganeshpur was 316 (73.32% of the population over 6 years).


    Baruipara railway station is the nearest railway station.


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