• Source: Grand Prix Club
    • The Grand Prix Club is a club for philatelists who have won a Grand Prix award of any kind from a Fédération Internationale de Philatélie accredited philatelic exhibition.

      Presidents of the club

      1979 to 1982 Miroslaw A. Bojanowicz RDP
      1982 to 1986 Gary S. Ryan RDP
      1986 to 1989 John H. Levett RDP
      1989 to 1992 Saverio Imperato
      1992 to 1994 Christian C. Sundman RDP
      1994 to 1996 Rolf-Dieter Jaretzky RDP
      1996 to 2000 Robert P. Odenweller RDP
      2000 to 2011 David J. Springbett RDP
      2011 to current Tay Peng Hian RDP


      Further reading

      Springbett, D. (2001) The Grand Prix Club Book: 1950-2000. Geneva: David Feldman. ISBN 9782970012528

      External links

      Grand Prix Club newsletters Archived here.

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