• Source: Gray Court-Owings School
    • Gray Court-Owings School is a historic school building located at Gray Court, Laurens County, South Carolina. The building consists of a two-story central brick building constructed in 1914, with a flanking one-story brick-veneered high school building and a one-story brick-veneered auditorium, both built in 1928. The flanking buildings are designed in the Colonial Revival style with Tuscan order porticos. A two-story Tuscan order portico was added to the entrance of the 1914 building in 1928. A contributing one-story frame potato house was built in the 1930s to help local farmers preserve their crops.
      It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2004.
      Gray Court-Owings is the home of the Tigers who participate in both junior high (7th and 8th grade) football and basketball in the Laurens District 55 school district.


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