• Source: Khan Asparukh (ship)
  • Khan Asparukh was the largest Bulgarian tanker owned and operated by Navibulgar.
    The ship had a length overall of 224 metres (734 ft 11 in) and a draft of 15.5 metres (50 ft 10 in). The tanker used a 8RND-90 Sulzer Cegielski engine with 17,300 kilowatts (23,200 hp). She a 100,000-tonne capacity. The ship began construction in 1974 in Varna shipyard. It was built according to a project of the Shipbuilding Institute in the city of Varna with the chief designer engineer Tasho Popov. The first 100,000-tonne tanker built in Bulgaria was launched on March 24, 1976. The first captain and chief mechanic, respectively: Vidyo Videv and Peter Tsaperkov.
    The tanker was a part of the Navibulgar until December 3, 2003, when it was sold for scrapping in Alang, India.


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