• Source: Lachen Monastery
  • Lachen Monastery (also called Ngodrub Choling Gonpa, "Launching Gompa"), built in 1858, is a Nyingma Buddhist monastery near Lachen, Sikkim, northeastern India.
    It is home to Lachen Monastic School.

    See also

    Gautama Buddha
    History of Buddhism in India
    Buddhist pilgrimage sites in India


    External links

    Appeal from the Lachen Gomchen Rinpoche to protect the Rathong Chu and Bum-Chu rivers
    Lachen 'Ngodub Choling' Monastery Lachen 'Ngodub Choling' Monastery, by Dr. Rohit Reddy, Trover
    Mural at Lachen Monastery
    Buddhist pilgrimage sites in India
    Pilgrims Guide to Buddhist India: Buddhist Sites
    "Lachen Monastery" (Map). Google Maps.

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