- Source: Michael Wiebe
- Fusarium
- Singapura pada Olimpiade Musim Panas 1956
- Penghargaan Aga Khan untuk Karya Fiksi
- Eukariota
- Bakteri
- The Vanishing Race
- Eskatologi
- Indro Hardjodikoro
- Filsafat agama
- Ekstraversi dan introversi
- Michael Wiebe
- Tungusic peoples
- Green Party of Vancouver
- Vancouver City Council
- Warren Wiebe
- Colleen Hardwick
- Adriane Carr
- 2022 Vancouver municipal election
- Port Coquitlam-Burke Mountain
- Christine Boyle
Michael Wiebe is a Canadian politician in Vancouver, British Columbia, who was elected to Vancouver City Council running under the Vancouver Green Party slate in the October 2018 municipal election. Wiebe had previously served on the Vancouver Park Board as a commissioner.
In 2020, an independent conflict-of-interest investigation concluded that Wiebe had violated conflict-of-interest rules, and recommended his resignation or removal. Wiebe denied wrongdoing saying that he had a "good faith belief that [he] did not have a conflict".
He was defeated in the 2022 Vancouver municipal election.