- Source: Million standard cubic feet per day
- Daftar perusahaan Amerika Serikat
- Million standard cubic feet per day
- Standard cubic feet per minute
- Actual cubic feet per minute
- Cubic foot
- Barrel (unit)
- List of abbreviations in oil and gas exploration and production
- Flow measurement
- South Pars/North Dome Gas-Condensate field
- Gannet oil and gas field
- Rhum gasfield
Million standard cubic feet per day is a unit of measurement for gases that is predominantly used in the United States. It is frequently abbreviated MMSCFD. MMSCFD is commonly used as a measure of natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, compressed natural gas and other gases that are extracted, processed or transported in large quantities.
A related measure is "mega standard cubic metres per day" (MSm3/d), which is equal to 106 Sm3/d used in many countries outside the United States. One MMSCFD equals 1177.6 Sm3/h.
When converting to mass flowrate, the density of the gas should be used at Standard temperature and pressure.
See also
Standard cubic foot
External links
checalc.com Gas Volume Conversion
onlineflow.de Online calculator for conversion of volume, mass and molar flows (SCFM, MMSCFD, Nm3/hr, kg/s, kmol/hr and more)