• Source: Ministry of Health (Somaliland)
    • The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Somaliland (Somali: Wasaaradda Horumarinta Caafimaadka Somaliland) (Arabic: وزارة الصحة) is a ministry of government of Somaliland that is responsible for health system, it's also responsible for proposing and executing government policy of health. The current minister is Omar Ali Abdillahi.


      Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a major problem in Somaliland with a prevalence close to 98%.
      Somaliland has one of the worst maternal mortality ratios in the world, estimated to be between 1400 and 1000 per 100,000 live births. Life expectancy at birth is between 47 and 57 years. The infant mortality rate is 90/1000 while the under- five mortality is about 145/1000. Fully immunized child is a mere 5%. Environmental sanitation is highly challenged. The top 10 leading causes of morbidity are mainly the preventable and curable infectious diseases.


      Policy & Planning Department
      Human Resources for Health Department
      Research & Statistics Department
      Procurement & Supply Department

      Ministers of Health

      Osman Kassim Kodah
      Abdilahi Husein Iman Darawal
      Abdi Haybe Mohamed
      Hussein Mohamed Mohamoud
      Suleiman Haglotosiye
      Hassan Ismail Yusuf
      Omar Ali Abdillahi


      External links

      Ministry of Health of Somaliland

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