- Source: Orders, decorations, and medals of Albania
Orders, decorations and medals of Albania are state decorations regulated and bestowed by the Republic of Albania.
The first decoration to be given in modern Albania is considered to be the Order of the Black Eagle, which was granted by the Principality of Albania in 1913.
In 1925, Ahmet Zogu, while President of Albania, instituted the Order of Skanderbeg. In 1926, he established the Order of Fidelity, also known as the Order of Besa.
Several laws were passed during Communist Albania. In 1960, the law On the creation of the honorary titles in the arts sector (Albanian: Mbi krijimin e titujve të nderit në sektorin e arteve) was passed by the Presidium of the People's Assembly.
In 1980, another law, entitled On the honorary titles and decorations in the Socialist People's Republic of Albania (Albanian: Për titujt e nderit dhe dekoratat e Republikës Popullore Socialiste të Shqipërisë), amended the 1960 law.
In 1996, the Parliament of Albania passed the law entitled On the decorations in the Republic of Albania (Albanian: Për dekoratat në Republikën e Shqipërisë). An addition to the 1996 law was made in 2001. A regulation on the awarding of the decorations was issued afterwards by President Alfred Moisiu.
Order of the Black Eagle (discontinued after 1914; retained as a dynastic order by the House of Wied)
Medal of the Black Eagle
Medal for the Accession of Prince William of Wied
Order of Skanderbeg (1925–45) (discontinued after 1945; retained as a dynastic order by the House of Zogu)
Collier of Honor of Albania
Medal of Remembrance of the Triumph of Legality
Order of Fidelity (discontinued after 1939; retained as a dynastic order by the House of Zogu)
Military Order and Medal of Bravery
Honors system (1945–1992)
Albanian orders and medals from the socialist period are poorly understood and seldom collected, even after three decades since the regime's collapse in 1992. While the awards of many other communist states flooded the market in the mid-1990s (most notably those of the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, and East Germany), Albanian medals continue to remain elusive for many. The manufacturing of Albanian awards has undergone several phases and seems to fall in line with Albania's shifting alliances during Enver Hoxha's regime.
The first decorations established by the new communist government were created on July 9, 1945: Hero of the People, Order of the Flag, Medal of Remembrance, Order of the Partisan Star, Order and Medal of Bravery.
These awards were established for services in the anti-Fascist and partisan campaigns of World War II against both the Italians and Germans and carried a great deal of prestige.
Soon after, on October 13, 1945, three more orders and two additional medals were added: Order of Freedom, Order of Skanderbeg, Order and Medal of Labour, Medal of Liberation.
Between the end of 1945 and 1964, several other decorations were established, most notably the titles Hero of Socialist Labour and Mother Heroine, as well as a series of honorary titles for the arts and sciences.
On January 18, 1965, the entire honors system was completely revised. In addition to establishing many new orders and medals, some pre-existing decorations were modified as well. The Order of the Red Star was expanded from one to three classes and a new medal was added. The Order for "Military Service" was converted from a breast star to a ribboned badge and expanded from one to three classes. The Order "For Patriotic Achievements" was added in three classes to the pre-existing medal. The Order "For the Defence of State Frontiers of the PRA/PSRA" was added to the pre-existing medal. The Order "For Maintenance of Public Security" was added to the pre-existing medal. The Order "For Civil Bravery" was added to the pre-existing medal, which was renamed from the Medal "For Bravery in Labor".
The 1965 awards structure remained largely intact with several minor additions and modifications up through to the collapse of the communist government. Law No. 6133. passed on February 2, 1980, codified many of the regulations and changes that were enacted since the 1965 restructuring. The 1980 law continued in effect until it was finally revoked by president Sali Berisha when he signed Law No. 8113 on March 28, 1996, which completely swept away the communist era honors system.
= List of titles
=Hero i Punës Socialiste
Hero of the People (Hero i Popullit)
Për veprimtari patriotike
Urdhri i Lirisë (I, II, III)
Ylli Partizan (I, II, III)
Order of the Flag (Urdhri i Flamurit)
Medal of Remembrance (Medalja e Kujtimit)
Nëne Heroinë
Urdhri i Skënderbeut (I, II, III)
Për veprimtari patriotike (I, II, III)
Për mbrojtjen e Atdheut Socialist (I, II, III)
Flamuri i Kuq Punës (I, II, III)
Për punë të squar në ekonomi bujqësore (I, II, III)
Glory to the Mother (Lavdi Nënës) (I, II, III)
Mësues i Popullit
Mësues i merituar
Artist i Popullit
Artist i merituar
Punonjës i shquar i skencëva dhe i teknikës
Për punë të shquar në miniera dhe gjeologji
Order of Bravery (Urdhri i Trimërise)
Medal of Bravery (Medalja e Trimërisë)
Medalja e Punës
Urdhri i Punës (I, II, III)
Urdhri Për punë të shquar në minier dhe gjeologji (I, II, III)
Urdhri Për punë të shquar në ekonomi dhe bujqësore (I, II, III)
Urdhri Për shërbime të shuara në fushën e mbrojtjes (I, II, III)
Medalja Ylli i Kuq
Order for extinguished state and social services (Urdhri Për shërbime të shuara shtetërore dhe shoqërore) (I, II, III)
Medalja Naim Frashëri
Medalja e Shërbimit ushtarak
Urdhri Naim Frashëri (I, II, III)
Urdhri i Shërbimit ushtarak (I, II, III)
Order of the Red Star (Urdheri Ylli i Kuq (I, II, III))
Urdheri Për vepra trimërise
Urdhri Për mbrojtjen e kufirit shtetëror të RPSSH
Urdhri Për ruajtjen e rendit shoqëror
Medalja Për vepra trimërie
Medalja për mbrojtjen e kufirit shtetëror të RPSSH
Medalja Për ruajtjen e rendit shoqëror
Urdhri për trimëri civile
Medalja për trimëri civile
Medalja për shërbim të mirë popullit
Urdhri për shërnim të mirë popullit
Medalja e Titullit Mjeshtër i shquar në profession
Medalja Për shërbim shumëvjecar në forcat e armatosura
Medalja e çlimrimit
Medalja e Artë
Titles and Decorations of the President (1996–present)
= Decorations
="Honor of the Nation" Decoration (Dekorata "Nderi i Kombit" )
National Flag Decoration (Dekorata e Flamurit Kombëtar)
"Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeu" Decoration (Dekorata "Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeu")
"Mother Teresa" Decoration (Dekorata "Nënë Tereza")
Golden Decoration of the Eagle ("Dekorata e Artë e Shqiponjës")
"Torch of Democracy" Decoration (Dekorata "Pishtar i Demokracisë")
= Titles
="Knight of Skanderbeg Order" Title (Titulli "Kalorës i Udhërit të Skënderbeut")
"Knight of the Order of the Flag" Title (Titulli "Kalorës i urdhrit të flamurit")
"Grand Master" Title (Titulli "Mjeshtër i Madh")
"Naim Frashëri" Title (Titulli "Naim Frashëri")
Military Services Medal (Medalja "Për Shërbime Ushtarake")
Special Civil Merits Medal (Medalja "Për Merita të Veçanta Civile")
Martyr of Democracy Medal (Medalja "Martir i Demokracisë")
Medal of Gratitude ("Medalja e Mirënjohjes")
Medals of the Prime Minister (2019–present)
The "Public Acknowledgment" Medal
The medal consists of three classes and is awarded to prominent Albanian and foreign individuals with special contributions in the field of their activities:
Big Cordon with a Star for Public Acknowledgment
Great Star of Public Gratitude
Star of Public Gratitude
The "Professional Assessment" Medal
The medal consists of three classes (Gold, Silver, Bronze) and is awarded to prominent individuals with contributions in their professional activities.
See also
Sports titles system in Albania
Further reading
sq:Lista e dekoratave në Shqipëri (Albanian)
President of Albania web page related to decorations.
Decorations of communist Albania
Kata Kunci Pencarian:
- Orde Santo Sava
- Mathilde Marie dari Belgia
- Orders, decorations, and medals of Albania
- List of military decorations
- Orders, decorations, and medals of Greece
- Order of the Partisan Star (Albania)
- Golden Decoration of the Eagle
- Orders, decorations, and medals of Kosovo
- "Mother Teresa" Decoration
- Order of the Red Star (Albania)
- "Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeu" Decoration
- Honor of the Nation Decoration