- Source: Southeast Resource Development Council
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- Southeast Resource Development Council
- Brokenhead Ojibway Nation
- South Beach Casino
- Bloodvein First Nation
- Buffalo Point First Nation
- Berens River First Nation
- Pauingassi First Nation
- Phil Fontaine
- Poplar River First Nation
- Little Grand Rapids First Nation
The Southeast Resource Development Council (SERDC) is a tribal council in eastern Manitoba, Canada, representing 8 First Nation communities located to the south and east of Lake Winnipeg.
Seven of the eight band governments of SERDC are signatories to Treaty 5, with one (Brokenhead) being a signatory to Treaty 1.
The SERDC represents 8 First Nations communities:
Berens River First Nation — Berens River
Black River First Nation — O'Hanley
Bloodvein First Nation — Bloodvein
Brokenhead Ojibway Nation — Scanterbury
Hollow Water First Nation — Wanipigow
Little Grand Rapids First Nation — Little Grand Rapids
Pauingassi First Nation — Pauingassi
Poplar River First Nation — Negginan
As of February 2018, the total registered population of the 8 member communities was 14,897, including 9,356 members on-reserve and 5,537 residing off-reserve.
Ojibway/Saulteaux is the dominant language used in the SERDC communities, though Cree is also spoken.
The 8 member communities are located in eastern Manitoba, to the south and east of Lake Winnipeg, with a majority within the Precambrian Shield region.
Together, the communities comprise a total land base of approximately 15,821.2 hectares (39,095 acres).
Berens River Airport
Bloodvein River Airport
Little Grand Rapids Airport
Southeast Collegiate (Winnipeg), owned by SERDC
External links
Official website