- Source: Wilferd Madelung
Wilferd Ferdinand Madelung FBA (26 Desember 1930 – 9 Mei 2023) adalah penulis Jerman-Amerika dan cendekiawan sejarah Islam.
Madelung lahir di Stuttgart, Republik Weimar, dan ia menuntaskan pendidikannya di Eberhard-Ludwigs-Gymnasium. Keluarganya pindah ke Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1947. Ia berkuliah di Universitas Georgetown.
Madelung bekerja sebagai profesor di Universitas Oxford dari tahun 1978 hingga 1998.
Madelung, W. (editor) - Arabic Texts Concerning The History of The Zaydi Imams of Tabaristan, Daylaman And Gilan, Franz Steiner, 1987
Madelung, W. - Religious Trends in Early Islamic Iran, 1988
Madelung, W. - Religious and Ethnic Movements in Medieval Islam, 1992
Madelung, W. - The Succession to Muhammad, Cambridge University Press, 1997
Madelung, W. and Walker, P. - An Ismaili Heresiography, Leiden, 1998
Madelung, W. and Walker, P. - The Advent of the Fatimids: A Contemporary Shi'i Witness, I.B. Tauris, 2000
Madelung, W. - Der Imam al-Qasim ibn Ibrahim und die Glaubenslehre der Zaiditen, Walter De Gruyter Incorporated, 2002
Madelung, W. - Religious school and sects in medieval Islam
Madelung, W. (editor) - The Book of the Rank of the Sage. Rutbat al-Ḥakīm by Maslama al-Qurṭubī. Arabic Text edited with an English Introduction by Wilferd Madelung. Corpus Alchemicum Arabicum IV. Living Human Heritage Publications, Zurich 2016.
Pranala luar
Institute for Ismaili Studies Diarsipkan 2011-06-09 di Wayback Machine. - festschrift in honour of Wilferd Madelung.
Kata Kunci Pencarian:
- Wilferd Madelung
- Pengepungan rumah Utsman
- Pembunuhan Ali
- Hasan bin Ali
- Abu Lu'lu'ah
- Sejarah Islam
- Imamah
- Perang Saudara Islam I
- Kekhalifahan Rasyidin
- Marwan bin al-Hakam
- Wilferd Madelung
- Madelung
- The Succession to Muhammad
- Imamate and guardianship of Ali
- Encyclopaedia Islamica
- Uthman
- Battle of Siffin
- Twelve Imams
- Ahl al-Bayt
- First Fitna