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      Six Literal Days - Answers in Genesis

      Apr 1, 2010 · The fathers were commanded to teach their children (Deuteronomy 6:1–7), so the Hebrew language in Genesis 1 must have been very clear to the common people, even to children. When we look carefully at Genesis 1, in Hebrew or even in English, it is clear that God created everything in six literal (24-hour) days.

      Creation - Answers in Genesis

      Creation in Six Days in Genesis. God created the whole universe, including the original plants, animals, and first two people (Adam and Eve) in six literal 24-hour days—not over billions of years. In the context of the six days of Genesis 1, the word day in …

      Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days?

      Sep 27, 2007 · However, this verse clearly says that God made everything in six days—six consecutive ordinary days, just like the commandment in the previous verse to work for six consecutive ordinary days. The phrase “heaven(s) and earth” in Scripture is an example of a figure of speech called a merism , where two opposites are combined into an all ...

      Did Jesus Say He Created in Six Literal Days?

      Dec 20, 2007 · Yes, Jesus did explicitly say He created in six days.3 Not only this, but the one who spoke the words “six days” also wrote them down for Moses: “ Then the Lord delivered to me two tablets of stone written with the finger of God, and on them were all the words which the Lord had spoken to you on the mountain from the midst of the fire in ...

      Days of Creation for Kids | Kids Answers - Answers in Genesis

      May 25, 2016 · Days of Creation God created everything in six, 24-hour days and on the seventh day He rested. This original creation was perfect, without sin or death (Genesis 1:1-10).

      Six Days (Softcover) - Answers in Genesis

      Ken Ham, international speaker and best-selling author on biblical authority, examines how compromise starting in Genesis, particularly in regard to the six days of creation and the earth's age, have filtered down from professors to pastors - and finally to parents and their children.

      The Six Days of Creation and Evolutionary Theory: Compatible?

      Nov 23, 2011 · And that idea derives ultimately from the advice of Augustine, namely, that science justify the “rejection of six ordinary days of creation for one simple reason; because the majority of the scientists of this age, along with the majority of Bible scholars (who uncritically follow the scientific majority) believe the earth is billions of ...

      Augustine on the Days of Creation | Answers in Genesis

      Jan 18, 2012 · Augustine on the Creation Days, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 32, no. 4:464. Augustine, The City of God, Book 11, Chapter 6. For example, Eastern Orthodox monk Seraphim Rose’s 700-page book Genesis, Creation, and Early Man documents the young-earth creationist standpoint of the Eastern Orthodox church fathers up through the ...

      In Six Days - Answers in Genesis

      In Six Days opens the evolution versus creation debate to a wider public — not with narrow and closed arguments but with a straightforward and wide ranging analysis of the issues confronting both the scientific community and the general public. This is a …

      Pastors and Theologians on Days of Creation Age of the Earth

      Aug 28, 2013 · These supposed parallels between Days 4–6 and Days 1–3 reveal a failure to carefully examine the details of the biblical text. The parallels just do not exist: Light on Day 1 is not dependent on the sun, as the sun was created on Day 4. Secondly, the waters existed on Day 1 and not only on Day 2.