Fram GudangMovies21 Rebahinxxi LK21

    Fram adalah sebuah kapal penjelajah yang mengelilingi Kutub Utara dan Kutub Selatan.


    Fram dirancang oleh Fridtjof Nansen, seorang penjelajah kutub dan ilmuwan Norwegia. Pada saat itu ia merupakan kapal pertama yang dirancang untuk bertahan di musim salju saat di kutub. Fram dirancang oleh Colin Archer, dengan menggunakan uang sebanyak 500.000 Krona Norwegia.

    Bentuk rupa

    Fram berbobot 402 ton dan bertiang tiga. Ia juga dilengkapi dengan cadangan mesin uap. Panjangnya 39 meter (128 ft), dengan lebar sebanyak 11 meter (36 ft) dan tinggi 4,8 meter (16 ft). Lambungnya yang berbentuk setengah lingkaran diperkuat secara khusus dan mampu bertahan tekanan es yang menimpanya; dalam keadaan sedemikian, Fram tetap bisa berjalan. Selain itu, Fram juga memiliki dua alat penyekat air. Kapal tersebut juga dilengkapi dengan delapan kapal kecil yang dapat digunakan untuk mengangkut awak kapal serta bahan makanan yang mereka butuhkan untuk bertahan hidup bilamana terjadi kecelakaan.


    Fram membawa Nansen dan awaknya menyeberangi Laut Arktik dalam perjalanan yang ditempuh selama tiga tahun, dari 1893-1896. Luncurnya pertama pada tanggal 26 Oktober 1892. Namun, perjalanan menuju kutub utara baru dimulai pada tanggal 24 Juni 1893. Nansen menguji teorinya bahwa arus di kutub Utara mengalir ke arah pantai timur Greenland dengan mengikuti arus air sehingga kutub utara. Saat sudah terbawa jauh oleh arus, Nansen meninggalkan Fram di bawah pengawasan kaptennya, Otto Sverdrup, sementara ia sendiri melanjutkan perjalanan lewat darat dengan menggunakan kereta salju, lalu terus ke utara; usahanya tidak berhasil. Sverdrup membawa Fram menjelejah di pulau-pulau kecil di Laut Arktik di sebelah barat Greenland.
    Perjalanan Fram lain terjadi pada tahun 1910, saat ia berlayar ke laut Antarktik, di bawah pimpinan penjelajah Norwegia Roald Amundsen. Pada awalnya, Amundsen hendak mengulang perjalanan Nansen ke kutub utara, dengan mengikuti arus dan menjadi orang pertama yang mencapai Kutup Utara, dengan diberi Fram oleh pemerintah Norwegia. Namun, penjelajah Amerika Admiral Robert E. Peary sudah mencapai Kutub utara pada bulan April 1909; dengan demikian, Amundsen mengambil langkah untuk menjadi orang pertama yang mencapai Kutub Selatan. Fram membawanya jauh ke Selatan, lalu Amundsen dan empat orang lainnya berangkat dengan menggunakan anjing dan kereta salju untuk mencari rute darat; mereka akhirnya berhasil.


    Setelah selesai pertualangannya, Fram sempat direnovasi beberapa kali, dengan tempat penyimpanannya diragukan. Namun, saat ini Fram menjadi monumen nasional Norwegia, dan dirawat dalam museum yang dibuat khusus untuknya di Oslo, Norwegia. Museum tersebut sudah dikunjungi 10 juta orang sejak terbuka pada tahun 1936.


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Daftar Isi

Comparison of Fram/Purolator/Motorcraft filters via Brand Ranks ...

May 14, 2024 · Fram Ultra Synthetic XG3614 (bypass valve 12 psi) Fram Endurance FE3614 (bypass valve 11-17 psi) Purolator Boss PBL10241 (bypass valve 12-15 psi) Here is a good overall summary, and you can pick which qualities are important to you:

Any Consensus on Fram Oil Filters Here? | BobIsTheOilGuy

Nov 3, 2023 · A Fram engineer used to come on here and explain why the fiber end disc design was used. It's flexibility allows the media in extreme pressure to flex without tearing (two flexible surfaces connecting with each other flexing with each other vs. one flexible surfaces taking on the strain while connected to a non flexible surface).

Fram Synthetic Endurance FE8A Cut Open | BobIsTheOilGuy

Mar 18, 2021 · If Fram shows that the FE is indeed 99% @ 20u then I'll believe them because it's been shown that Fram is honest and maybe even conservative with their advertised filter efficiencies. And Fram typically bases their efficiency rating on 3 different sized filters instead of just the biggest filter they make, which is a better way to do it IMO.

Fram Ultra Synthetic oil filter as of March 2024 - Is it still a good ...

Jun 5, 2016 · Fram still shows the non-wire backed Ultra having the same efficiency and "up to" 20K mileage use rating. Fram has also gone to a louvered center tube on the Ultras and Endurance models that I've seen. So if you don't like verifying louver formation quality, then that might be a consideration.

Fram oil: have you used it and your thoughts? | BobIsTheOilGuy

Jul 29, 2013 · Still, have to ask if anyone was waiting for another mid-market synthetic oil brand to emerge. Without any background, I prefer to have my oil have an "oil" name, and my filters to have a "filter" name. I certainly don't think "I really love Quaker State," but if only it were had that Fram brand behind it.

New Fram Size 12447 an aftermarket for AC Delco PF66

Dec 19, 2019 · Fram and Premium Guard still recommend the 4967 equivalent, Rock Auto does show signifcantly less filters available for the newer models than they do older cars that used the 4967. But at least in a pinch any 4967 equivalent looks like it could be used.

Fram vs Wix | BobIsTheOilGuy

Sep 22, 2023 · The Fram TG is more or less the same with fiber end caps. I have a drawer full of Fram's but when there gone I will be using something else, I don't like how construction continually is getting cheaper and the wavy pleats are a bit concerning. The new darling here is the Fram Endurance - good filter rating, wire backed, $12.99 at Wal Mart.

FRAM Grease? - BobIsTheOilGuy

Jan 24, 2025 · FRAM is not a brand I'd normally pay money for. Maybe that's justified, maybe not. A neighbor gave me a small round can of FRAM grease as a gift. I think it's wheel bearing grease, though it might be a multipurpose grease. I don't recall. It's in a round can, which suggests to me that it's wheel bearing grease.

Difference between Fram oil filters? | BobIsTheOilGuy

Nov 23, 2009 · The Canadian Fram website is very confusing for newbies, because they've got a listing for the Xtended Guard filter and another one for the "synthetic oil filter" even though that's the same filter! Why they list that filter twice is beyond me, but it's gotta be confusing for those visiting the site that aren't familiar with this filter.

Brand Ranks air filter test | BobIsTheOilGuy

Oct 16, 2024 · The Fram seems to be the clear winner in terms of average efficiency, based on the area under the curve. The Purolator looks quite good as well. The Wix seems to do alright in the loading phase, but it seems that they either cut the test short, or that they just took fewer measurements, in which case the x-axis doesn't actually represent ...