Vladimir Putin confident in results of talks with Xi Jinping Prensa
ChineMali Xi Jinping et Assimi Gota pour un partenariat stratgique
Mali Junta Leader Assimi Goita Receives Draft Constitution Plus TV
Mali Assimi Gota receives the draft of the new Constitution Afro impact
Rencontre bilatrale Assimi GOTA et Xi JINPING saluent lamiti
FOCAC ttette entre Xi Jinping et Assimi Gota pour parler des
Leader of Malis ruling junta Lt Col Assimi Goita flanked by members
Lettre ouverte au Prsident Assimi Goita Bamadanet
Assimi Goita veutil prolonger son bail Bamadanet
Au Mali Assimi Gota dsormais Gnral 5 toiles Benin Web TV
Assimi GOITA offre 7 ambulances mdicalises Sgou
lection prsidentielle deE 2024 Assimi Gota candidat Bamadanet