Artikel: Mount Carmel Naval Base GudangMovies21 Rebahinxxi

  • Source: Mount Carmel Naval Base
  • Mount Carmel Naval Base officially known as Betzet (formerly Yahsan) is the main logistical base of the Israeli Navy located near the Mount Carmel. It is responsible for all equipment and transport related activities of Israeli Navy.


    The base was located in the Kishon camp from its early years, and on July 6 1999, its gradual transfer began to the "HaHotrim" camp south of Mount Carmel, which is also the Haifa District headquarters of the Home Front Command.


    It allows the navy to fight continuously without shutdowns. The base is responsible for the procurement, maintenance and supply of equipment and materials, on an ongoing basis, and for operational functioning. It is also responsible for material arrangements necessary for Shipbuilding. It also serves in weaponry and ammunition accountancy. An Engine workshop of the Israeli Naval Shipyards is also located here and is concerned with ship repairs. It also garrisons the MFTAH Unit.



    Meir Shapir, 讬讞讬讚转 讛诪讞住谞讬诐, "Marine Systems" 95, August 1969, p. 25.
    Rami Antian, 讞谞讜讻转 讘住讬住 爪讬讜讚 讜转讜讘诇讛, "Between Waves" September 1976 p. 1
    Ila Dukes, 谞驻转讞 诪讜注讚讜谉 讞讬讬诇讬诐 讘讘爪"转, 'Between Waves' June, 1978 p. 2.
    Shlomo Man, 注爪诪讛 讘讝讻讜转 讛砖讬专讜转, 'Between Waves' January 1981 p. 14.
    Sharon Harpaz, 住讚专 讘讘诇讗讙谉 - 讘爪"转, "Between Waves" 169 December 1986, p. 32.
    Father Obel, 专讜讘讜讟专讬拽讬诐 注讜讘专讬诐 讚讬专讛 - 诪讞砖讜讘 讜诪讬砖讻讜谉 讘讘爪"转, 'Between Waves' 177 April 1989 p. 31.
    Jordan Gur, 驻专讜讬拽讟 诪注讘专 讘爪"转 诪转讜讻谞谉 诇-11 讘讬讜谞讬 2013, "Between Waves" September 2013, p. 16.
    Sapphire, 注诇 讗讜讟讜诪讟 - 诪讛驻讬讻讛 讟讻谞讜诇讜讙讬住讟讬转 讘讝专讜注 讛讬诐, "Between Waves", May 2017, p. 51.


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