- Gereja Katolik di Tiongkok
- Gereja Novena
- Kekristenan di Brunei
- Vikariat Apostolik Brunei Darussalam
- Kekristenan
- Paus Fransiskus
- Daftar gereja tituler di Roma
- Cornelius Sim
- Penindasan Diokletianus
- Hubungan luar negeri Takhta Suci
- Catholic Church in Malaysia
- St. Peter's Church (Melaka)
- St. Anthony's Church, Teluk Intan
- Catholic Church in England and Wales
- List of Catholic dioceses in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei
- Catholic Church in the United States
- Church of the Visitation (Seremban)
- Church of the Assumption (Penang)
- Catholic Church in Australia
- Catholic Church in France