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Video 1: Ted (2012) 2012 Full Movie
Video 2: Ted (2012) 2012 Full Movie

Ted (film) GudangMovies21 Rebahinxxi LK21
Mark Wahlberg sebagai John Bennett. Colton Shires sebagai John Bennett remaja. Bretton Manley sebagai John Bennett muda. Mila Kunis sebagai Lori Collins, pacar John. Joel McHale sebagai Rex, bos dan penguntit Lori. Giovanni Ribisi sebagai Donny, penguntit Ted. Aedin Mincks sebagai Robert, putra Donny. Patrick Warburton sebagai Guy, teman kerja John. Laura Vandervoort sebagai Tanya, teman kerja John. Matt Walsh sebagai Thomas, bos John. Jessica Barth sebagai Tami-Lynn, pacar dan teman kerja Ted. Bill Smitrovich sebagai Frank Stevens, bos Ted. Alex Borstein sebagai ibu John. Ralph Garman sebagai ayah John. Jessica Stroup sebagai Tracy, teman kerja Lori. Sam J. Jones sebagai diri sendiri. Ryan Reynolds (tidak disebutkan) sebagai Jared, pacar Guy. Norah Jones sebagai diri sendiri. Tom Skerritt sebagai diri sendiri. Mike Henry sebagai penyiar berita Southern. Robert Wu sebagai Quan Ming/Ming the Merciless. Ted Danson (tidak disebutkan) sebagai diri sendiri.= Pengisi suara
= Seth MacFarlane sebagai Ted (Suara dan capture bergerak), teddy bear dan sahabat John, yang berbicara dengan aksen Boston yang kuat. Zane Cowans sebagai pengisi suara Ted muda. Tara Strong (tidak disebutkan) sebagai Ted ketika mengatakan "I Love You". Patrick Stewart sebagai Narator.Referensi
Pranala luar
Situs web resmi Ted di IMDb (dalam bahasa Inggris) (Inggris) Ted di Box Office Mojo Ted di Rotten Tomatoes (dalam bahasa Inggris) (Inggris) Ted di Metacritic Templat:Teddy bear Templat:Penghargaan Empire untuk Komedi TerbaikTed (2012) – John Bennett, seorang pria yang impian masa kecilnya untuk menghidupkan boneka beruangnya menjadi kenyataan, kini harus memutuskan antara mempertahankan hubungan dengan boneka beruang itu atau pacarnya, Lori. Ted (2012)
Daftar Isi
- Thyroid Eye Disesase, patient information - University of Iowa
- Thyroid Eye Disease, workup and diagnosis - University of Iowa
- 有哪些值得一看再看的 TED 演讲? - 知乎
- Treatment of Thyroid Eye Disease - University of Iowa
- Thyroid Eye Disease- EyeRounds - University of Iowa
- Thyroid Eye Disease, Presenting symptoms - University of Iowa
- TED经典演讲稿合集 - 知乎
- Treatment of Thyroid Eye Disease, continued - University of Iowa
- 想问下 在哪可以下载 比较齐全的TED 双语演讲? - 知乎
- ted演讲是什么意思,很一般演讲有什么不同? - 知乎
Thyroid Eye Disesase, patient information - University of Iowa
Sep 1, 2016 · TED is the most common cause of both orbital disease and exophthalmos (external protrusion of the eyeball from the socket) in North America and Europe. TED occurs more frequently in women than in men, with both sexes having two age ranges in which TED is most likely to be diagnosed. Females 16 per 100,000 (0.016%) females have TED
Thyroid Eye Disease, workup and diagnosis - University of Iowa
Nov 18, 2016 · If TED is suspected, one must determine disease activity and severity in order to assess the urgency of treatment. Disease Activity. In assessing the activity level of TED in a patient, the clinical activity score (CAS) can be used [15]. At the initial visit, patients are given a CAS score of 1-7, one point for each sign or symptom (Figure 19):
有哪些值得一看再看的 TED 演讲? - 知乎
我发现还是有很多人喜欢这份ted视频演讲清单,如果你对ted演讲感兴趣,老秦在这里也顺便给大家推荐两本书籍,作为工具书,评分还是非常不错的。 《TED - 演讲的力量:如何让公众表达变成影响力》豆瓣评分:8.1分
Treatment of Thyroid Eye Disease - University of Iowa
Nov 18, 2016 · TED is a self-limiting disease, with patients moving from the active to quiescent phase within 1-3 years with a 5-10% risk of recurrence [10]. Treatment for TED should start at the time of the diagnosis, as treatment becomes less effective as the disease progresses from the early, acute, active phase to the chronic quiescent phase.
Thyroid Eye Disease- EyeRounds - University of Iowa
Nov 18, 2016 · TED is a self-limiting disease, with patients moving from the active to quiescent phase within 1-3 years with a 5-10% risk of recurrence Treatment for TED should start at the time of the diagnosis, as treatment becomes less effective as the disease progresses from the early, acute, active phase to the chronic quiescent phase.
Thyroid Eye Disease, Presenting symptoms - University of Iowa
Nov 18, 2016 · TED is a self-limiting disease and may present in one of two stages: active or quiescent (Figure 6). In the active stage, there is active inflammation, which can lead to orbital muscle enlargement, conjunctival injection and chemosis, ocular pain, and swelling of the periocular tissues and eyelids.
TED经典演讲稿合集 - 知乎
能够登上ted演讲平台的都是顶级大咖,能够为我们传播有价值的思想,看ted不仅能够让我们学习英语,还能启发我们产生深度思考。大学空闲时间别摆烂,利用好你的碎片时间来刷ted演讲吧,一起做个终身学习者。 如何利用ted进行学习呢?
Treatment of Thyroid Eye Disease, continued - University of Iowa
Nov 18, 2016 · TED affects extraocular muscles in a predictable manner [39]. The inferior rectus and medial rectus are most commonly involved. This presents as hypotropia and/or esotropia. Most TED patients with diplopia due to strabismus will not require surgical intervention, as most can be effectively managed with prism spectacles [39].
想问下 在哪可以下载 比较齐全的TED 双语演讲? - 知乎
ted演讲是一个非常适合学习英语的资源,它对提高英语水平有很多好处。 可以提高听力能力、提高阅读和写作能力、丰富词汇量 我整理了很多TED相关资源,包括演讲稿和视频,有需要可以看下
ted演讲是什么意思,很一般演讲有什么不同? - 知乎
TED(环球会议名称) TED(指Technology, Entertainment, Design在英语中的缩写,即技术、娱乐、设计)是美国的一家私有非营利机构,该机构以它组织的TED大会著称,这个会议的宗旨是“传播一切值得传播的创意”。TED诞生于1984年,其发起人是理查德·索·乌曼。