• Source: 1979 in philosophy
    • 1979 in philosophy


      Hegel Society of Great Britain was founded in 1979.


      Peter Singer, Practical Ethics (1979)
      Amartya Sen, Equality of What? (The Tanner Lectures on Human Values)
      Dreyfus, Hubert, What Computers Can't Do: The Limits of Artificial Intelligence, 2nd ed. (First ed., 1972)
      Fodor, Jerry, Representations: Essays on the Foundations of Cognitive Science, Harvard Press (UK) and MIT Press (US)
      Hofstadter, Douglas, Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid. Basic Books. (Won Pulitzer Prize in 1980.)
      Kripke, Saul, "A Puzzle about Belief", In: Meaning and Use, edited by A. Margalit. Dordrecht and Boston: Reidel.
      Lewis, David, "Prisoners' Dilemma is a Newcomb Problem," Philosophy and Public Affairs, 8, pp 235–40.
      Lewis, David, "Counterfactual Dependence and Time's Arrow," Nous, 13, pp 455–76.
      Lewis, David, "Scorekeeping in a Language Game," Journal of Philosophical Logic, 8, pp 339–59.
      Lewis, David, "Attitude De Dicto and De Se," Philosophical Review, 88, pp 513–43.
      Lewis, David, "Lucas against Mechanism II," Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 9, pp 373–76.
      Marquard, Odo, "In Praise of Polytheism", in Hans Poser, ed., Philosophie und Mythos. Ein Kolloquium (de Gruyter, Berlin and New York), pp. 40–58
      McDowell, John, "Virtue and Reason," The Monist, lxii, 331–50; reprinted in Stanley G. Clarke and Evan Simpson, eds., Anti-Theory in Ethics and Moral Conservatism (SUNY Press, Albany, 1989), pp. 87–109
      Ortony, Andrew (ed.), Metaphor and Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Note: Some authors and contents may not have originated in 1979, but included in the revised edition in 1993.)
      Metaphor, language and thought, Andrew Ortony
      More about metaphor, Max Black
      Part I. Metaphor and Meaning
      Figurative speech and linguistics, Jerrold M. Saddock
      The semantics of metaphor, L. Jonathan Cohen
      Some problems with the notion of literal meanings, David E. Rumelhart
      Metaphor, John R. Searle
      Language, concepts, and worlds: Three domains of metaphor, Samuel R. Levin
      Observations on the pragmatics of metaphor, Jerry L. Morgan
      Part II. Metaphor and Representation
      Generative metaphor: A perspective on problem-setting in social policy, Donald A. Schön
      The conduit metaphor: A case of frame conflict in our language about language, Michael J. Reddy
      The contemporary theory of metaphor, George Lakoff
      Process and products in making sense of tropes, Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr.
      Metaphor, induction, and social policy: The Convergence of macroscopic and microscopic views, Robert J. Sternberg and Roger Tourangeau
      Part III. Metaphor and Understanding
      Psychological processes in metaphor comprehension and memory, Allan Paivio and Mary Walsh
      The interpretation of novel metaphors, Bruce Fraser
      The role of similarity in similes and metaphors, Andrew Ortony
      Images and models, Similes and Metaphors, George A. Miller
      How Metaphors Work, Sam Glucksberg and Boaz Keysar
      Metaphor and irony: two levels of understanding, Ellen Winner and Howard Gardner
      Part IV. Metaphor and Science
      The shift from metaphor to analogy in western science, Dedre Gentner and Michael Jeziorski
      Metaphor and theory change: What is ‘metaphor’ a metaphor for? Richard Boyd
      Metaphor in science, Thomas S. Kuhn
      Metaphorical imprecision and the ‘top-down’ research strategy, Zenon W. Pylyshyn
      Part V. Metaphor and Education
      The instructive metaphor: metaphoric aids to students’ understanding of science, Richard E. Mayer
      Metaphor and learning, Hugh G. Petrie and Rebecca S. Oshlag
      Learning without metaphor, Thomas F. Green
      Educational uses of metaphor, Thomas G. Sticht
      Osgood, Charles E., Focus on Meaning: Explorations in Semantic Space. Mouton Publishers.
      Osgood, Charles E., "What is a Language?" In: Aaronson, D. & Rieber, R. (eds.) Psycholinguistic Research: Implications and Applications. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum. pp. 189–228.
      Perry, John, "The Problem of the Essential Indexical." Noûs 13, no. 1: 3 – 21.
      Popper, Karl, Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach, Rev. ed. (First ed., 1972)
      Rorty, Richard, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature
      Searle, John, Expression and Meaning
      Origins of the essays
      1. A taxonomy of illocutionary acts
      2. Indirect speech acts
      3. The logical status of fictional discourse
      4. Metaphor
      5. Literal meaning
      6. Referential and attributive
      7. Speech acts and recent linguistics
      Hans Jonas, The Imperative of Responsibility (1979)
      James Lovelock, Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth (1979)
      Hans Albert, Das Elend der Theologie (in German, not yet translated into English; 1979)
      Jean-Francois Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition (1979)
      Leo Bersani, Baudelaire and Freud (1979)


      September 22 - Roberto Saviano


      January 15 - Charles W. Morris (born 1901)
      March 14 - Charles Stevenson (born 1908)
      March 16 - Jean Monnet (born 1888)
      May 8 - Talcott Parsons (born 1902)
      July 29 - Herbert Marcuse (born 1898)
      September 7 - I. A. Richards (born 1893)
      Paul Schatz (unspecified)


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