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    • Source: Bibliography of the City of Gloucester
    • This is a bibliography of the City of Gloucester in the south-west of England. The city lies close to the Welsh border, on the River Severn, between the Cotswolds to the east and the Forest of Dean to the southwest. It was founded by the Romans under Emperor Nerva as Colonia Glevum Nervensis, and was granted its first charter in 1155 by King Henry II.
      This bibliography includes non-fiction works covering the history of the city from Roman times, its archaeology, ecclesiastical history, general history, economy, and the transport and aviation sectors. It includes works covering the county of Gloucestershire where those include significant content relating to the city.
      Printed bibliographies of Gloucester include Francis Hyett and William Bazeley's The Bibliographer's Manual of Gloucestershire Literature, published in five volumes in 1846 by John Bellows of Gloucester and with later supplements.

      General history

      Atkyns, Robert. (1712) The Ancient and Present State of Glostershire. London.
      Bigland, Ralph. (1989-1995) Historical, Monumental, and Genealogical Collections relative to the County of Gloucester. 4 vols. Bristol: Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society. (originally published in instalments from 1791)
      Counsel, George Worrall. (1829) The History and Description of the City of Gloucester, From the Earliest Period to the Present Time, &c. Gloucester: J. Bulgin.
      Fosbroke, Thomas Dudley. (1819) An Original History of the City of Gloucester &c. London: John Nichols.
      Fullbrook-Leggatt, L. E. W. O. (1952) Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Gloucester. Gloucester: Jennings.
      Heighway, Carolyn. (1985) Gloucester: A History and Guide. Gloucester: Alan Sutton Publishing. ISBN 0862992567
      Gray, Irvine. (1981) Antiquaries of Gloucestershire and Bristol. Bristol: Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society. ISBN 0900197145
      Herbert N. M. et al. (1983) The 1483 Gloucester Charter in History. Gloucester: Alan Sutton. ISBN 0862990610 (Translation of the charter and four lectures)
      — Ed.) (1988) A History of the County of Gloucester: Volume 4, the City of Gloucester. London. (The Victoria County History)
      Hyett, Francis. (1906) Gloucester in National History. Gloucester: John Bellows, London: Kegan Paul & Co.
      Lysons, Samuel. (1803) A Collection of Gloucestershire Antiquities
      Rudder, Samuel. (1779) A New History of Gloucestershire. Cirencester.
      — (1781) The History and Antiquities of Gloucester.
      Rudge, Thomas. (1803) The History of the County of Gloucester, Compressed and Brought Down to the Year 1803, 2 vols., Gloucester.
      — (1807) A General View of the Agriculture of the County of Gloucester.
      — (1811) The History and Antiquities of Gloucester, From the Earliest Period to the Present Time: &c.
      Smith, Roger. (2019) A-Z of Gloucester: Places-People-History. Stroud: Amberley. ISBN 9781445691992
      Washbourne, J. (1825) Bibliotheca Gloucestrensis: A collection of scarce and curious tracts relating to the county and city of Gloucester. Gloucester.
      Waters, G. (1983) King Richard's Gloucester


      Amphlett, D. G. (2015) Gloucester: History You Can See. The History Press. ISBN 9780752470177
      Elder, David. (2018) Historic England: Gloucester: Unique Images from the Archives of Historic England. Historic England series. Stroud: Amberley. ISBN 9781445683324
      Kirby, Darrel. (2012) Gloucester Then and Now. Stroud: The History Press. ISBN 9780752464763
      Jordan, Christine. (2015) Secret Gloucester. Amberley. ISBN 9781445646886
      — (2016) Gloucester in 50 Buildings. Amberley. ISBN 9781445652313
      Jurica, John. (1994) Gloucester: A Pictorial History. Chichester: Phillimore. ISBN 0850338360
      Moss, Philip. (2005) Historic Gloucester: An Illustrated Guide: An Illustrated Guide to the City and Its Buildings. Nonsuch Publishing. ISBN 9781845880774
      — & Derrick Hall. (2016) Gloucester From Old Photographs. Amberley. ISBN 9781445662206
      Sillence, Rebecca. (2009) Gloucester Through Time. Stroud: Amberley. ISBN 9781445604831
      Voyce, Jill. (1985) Gloucester in Old Photographs from the County Library Collection. Gloucester: Alan Sutton. ISBN 0862992583
      — (1989) Gloucester in Old Photographs from the Walwin Collection. Gloucester: Alan Sutton. ISBN 0862996848


      Glevensis (1966 to date) Journal of the Gloucester and District Archaeological Research Group
      Hurst, H. "Gloucester Castle" in TBGAS, Vol. 102, pp. 73–128.
      — (1985) Kingsholm. (Gloucester Archaeological Reports, 1.) Gloucester: Gloucester Archaeological Publications.


      Clarke, John Randall. (c. 1850) The Architectural History of Gloucester: From the earliest period to the close of the eighteenth century.. Gloucester: T.R. Davies.
      Verey, David & Alan Brooks (2002) The Buildings of England Gloucestershire 2: The Vale and the Forest of Dean. New Haven & London: Yale University Press. 3rd edition. ISBN 9780300097337


      Bullock, Donald. (2012) The Legend That Was Clapham: All Good Things... 2nd edition. Gloucester: Wheatley Press. ISBN 9780954195809
      Eley, Harold. (1996) Clapham Tales: A Boyhood Account of Life in Clapham, Gloucester, During the 1930s and 1940s. Pickton Press. ISBN 9780952936404


      Firth, Brian. (1972) Twelve Portraits of Gloucester Benefactors: On view at Bishop Hooper's Lodging. Gloucester: City Museums and Art Gallery. ISBN 0550312498
      Gray, Irvine. (1981) Antiquaries of Gloucestershire and Bristol. Bristol: Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society. ISBN 0900197145
      Ripley, Peter, & John Jurica (Ed.) (1991) A Calendar of the Registers of the Freemen of the City of Gloucester 1641-1838. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society. ISBN 0900197323
      Stratford, Joseph. (1887) Gloucestershire Biographical Notes. Gloucester: Gloucester Journal.


      Anon. (1792) Gloucester Bastile!!! Pathetic particulars of a poor boy sentenced to suffer seven years solitary confinement in Gloucester Gaol, etc. London: W. Holland.
      Evans, Jill. (2011) Hanged at Gloucester. The History Press. ISBN 9780752458182
      — A History of Gloucester Prison, 1791-1950. Newent: Glos Crime History Books. ISBN 9781545479841
      Whiting, J. R. S. (1975) Prison Reform in Gloucestershire, 1776-1820: A Study of the Work of Sir George Onesiphorus Paul, Bart. Phillimore. ISBN 0850332087


      Ripley, P. (1976) "Trade and Social Structure of Gloucester, 1600-1640" in TBGAS, Vol. 94, pp. 117-123.
      — "The Economy of the City of Gloucester, 1660-1740" in TBGAS, Vol. 98, pp. 135-154.

      Gloucester Docks

      Conway-Jones, Hugh. (1984) Gloucester Docks: An illustrated history. Sutton & Gloucestershire County Library. ISBN 0862990858
      — (1988) A Guide to Gloucester Docks. Sutton. ISBN 086299487X
      Stimpson, Michael. (1980) The History of Gloucester Docks and its Associated Canals and Railways. Potters Bar: West London Industrial Archaeological Society. ISBN 0907220002


      Britton, John. (1829) The History and Antiquities of the Abbey, and Cathedral Church of Gloucester &c. London: Longman.
      Bryant, R. (1980) "The Church of St. Mary de Lode, Gloucester", Glevensis, Vol. 14, pp. 4-12.
      Heighway, Carolyn M. & Susan Hamilton (2011) Gloucester Cathedral – Faith, Art and Architecture: 1000 Years. Scala Books. ISBN 9781857596670
      Maddison, Lowinger. (2000) Gloucester Cathedral. The History Press. ISBN 9780853729624
      Page, William. (Ed.) (1907) A History of the County of Gloucester: Volume 2. London. (The Victoria County History) - covers the religious houses of Gloucestershire and the early history of Gloucester Cathedral.
      Welander, David. (1985) The Stained Glass of Gloucester Cathedral.
      - (1991) The History, Art, and Architecture of Gloucester Cathedral. Alan Sutton Publishing. ISBN 9780862998219

      English Civil War

      Atkin, Malcolm, & Wayne Laughlin. (1992) Gloucester and the Civil War: A city under siege. Alan Sutton. ISBN 0750901489
      Day, John. (2007) Gloucester & Newbury 1643: The Turning Point of the Civil War. Pen and Sword. ISBN 9781473814646
      Pereira, W. D. (1983) The Siege of Gloucester. Gloucester: Stoate and Bishop. ISBN 0901909130
      Whiting, J. R. S. (1975) Gloucester Besieged: The story of a roundhead city 1640-1660. Gloucester: City Museum & Art Gallery. (2nd edition 1984)

      Entertainment and sport

      King, Malc. (2016) Kingsholm: Castle Grim, Home of Gloucester Rugby, The Official History. HobNob Press. ISBN 9781906978396
      Kirby, Darrel. (2010) The Story of Gloucester's Pubs. Stroud: The History Press. ISBN 9780752455570
      Sandles, Geoff. (2013) Gloucester, Tewkesbury & Severn Vale pubs through time. Stroud: Amberley. ISBN 9781445604022


      Hyett, F. A. & C. Wells (1929) "Members of Parliament for Gloucestershire and Bristol, 1900-29", Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, Vol. 51, pp. 321-362.
      Stevenson W. H. (1893) Calendar of the Records of the Corporation of Gloucester. Gloucester: John Bellows.

      Roman Gloucester

      Copeland, Tim. (2011) Roman Gloucestershire. History Publishing Group. ISBN 9780752457833
      Fullbrook-Leggatt, L. E. W. O. (1946) Roman Gloucester-Glevum. Gloucester: John Bellows. (Revised edition 1968)
      Hurst, H. R. (1986) Gloucester: The Roman and later defences. Gloucester Archaeological Publications. ISBN 0948386010
      McWhirr, Alan. (1981) Roman Gloucestershire. Sutton Publishing. ISBN 0904387607

      Transport and aviation

      A History of the Gloucester Railway Carriage & Wagon Co. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1960.
      Bartlett, Steve. (2019) Gloucester Locomotive Sheds: Horton Road & Barnwood: Engine and Train Workings. Pen & Sword. ISBN 9781473875593
      James, Derek N. (1999) Gloster Aircraft Company. Stroud: Tempus.


      Gloucestershire Notes and Queries (1879-1902)
      Transactions of the Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological Society (1876 to date)


      Lobel, M. D. (Ed.) (1969) "Gloucester" in Historic Towns Atlas, Vol. I. London & Oxford: Lovell Johns-Cook, Hammond & Kell.


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