- Source: Binodpur Gram Panchayat
The Gram Panchayat of Sattari or Sattari Gram Panchayat also known as Binodpur Gram Panchayat (abbreviated as BGP), is a government office and local self-government body that governs the village of Sattari and 8 nearby villages with 13 G.P constituencies or three Panchayat Samity constituencies in English Bazar Block of District Malda in the state of West Bengal, India. It has control of The English Bazar police station serves this panchayat, with its headquarters at Sattari village.
Binodpur Gram Panchayat is located at 24.9913°N 88.0372°E / 24.9913; 88.0372 Sattari village of English Bazar Block in Malda district.
The Binodpur Gram Panchayat was panchayati raj power held by Government of West Bengal since 1977 under Panchayati raj (India). This panchayat is administrated by English Bazar Block.
On 27 July 2012 the office was vandalized by angry villagers who were demanding road repairs. While pradhan of the district allowed the meeting to begin, he himself wasn't present and therefore angered the community.
Electoral divisions
Gram Panchayat seats at Binodpur Gram Panchayat
Panchayat Samiti seats at Binodpur Gram Panchayat
Members of Gram Panchayat
Member of Binodpur Gram Panchayat 2018
Member of Binodpur Gram Panchayat 2013-2018
Members of Panchayat Samity
Members of Panchayat Samity at Binodpur Gram Panchayat 2018
Members of Panchayat Samity at Binodpur Gram Panchayat 2013
It covers 9 villages, with their names and parts as follows.
See also
External links
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