- Source: British Petrol
- Bahasa Inggris Britania Raya
- Tetraetiltimbal
- Kedutaan Besar Inggris, Dublin
- Parinda
- San Theodoros
- Shell (perusahaan)
- Nama
- Timbal
- Alfa Romeo MiTo
- Mumbai
- British Petrol
- Petrol engine
- Petrol (song)
- Molotov cocktail
- Rationing in the United Kingdom
- Petrol–electric transmission
- Gasoline
- Forward Gas Engine Company
- That Petrol Emotion
- Petrol Girls
British Petrol may refer to:
British petrol, any petrol (gasoline) produced or owned by British companies
British Petroleum Company, now called just BP
British Petrol, an oil tanker in the fleet of the British Tanker Company