- Source: Bubble and Squeek
Bubble and Squeek is a British animated cartoon series created in 1946 by George Moreno Jr. It was released by British Animated Productions in Harringay, and was distributed by Pathe Pictures. The films revolve around the adventures of the two main characters: Bubble and Squeek. Their names are derived from the British dish bubble and squeak. All shorts were produced in Technicolor.
The series contained 4 films and 1 spin-off which were produced between 1946 and 1948. The cartoons have faded into obscurity and the only copies online are poor-quality copies from videotapes.
George Moreno Jr. was an American animator for both Universal/Lantz and Fleischer Studios from 1938 until 1940, where he also worked on Gulliver's Travels, among other series. During World War II, he befriended Richard Smith shortly after a war-time meeting between a U.S. soldier, some British artists, and a chartered accountant. Moreno Jr. then showed him the concept of the two main characters, Bubble and Squeak. After the war, Moreno Jr. and Smith developed their own animation studio inside a backroom of a building that was previously bombed during the war called British Animation Productions, and immediately produced the characters and cartoons after establishment. Initially being planned as a full theatrical series, the company soon collapse after the United Kingdom lifted its restriction on foreign products, thus bringing in a flood of American-made cartoons to the market.
The cartoons revolve around the adventures of its two main characters. Bubble is a taxi driver. Squeek is the taxi whom Bubble drives. The cartoons visit a variety of places, from the funfair to a haunted house. Their adventures are light-hearted.
= Bubble
=Bubble is a taxi driver who drives Squeek. He wears a green scarf, blue trousers, a yellow t-shirt, brown jacket and a hat.
= Squeek
=Squeek is the taxi that is driven by Bubble. He has a blue body and yellow wheels.
= Recurring characters
=Colonel Rat is featured in Old Manor House and also in Loch Ness Legend as he tries to get the Loch Ness Monster.
Willie the Worm is only featured in Loch Ness Legend. Willie helps Colonel catch the monster by using himself as bait.
External links
Bubble and Squeek - Big City
Bubble and Squeek - Fun Fair
Bubble and Squeak - Old Manor House
Bubble and Squeak - Home Sweet Home
Bubble and Squeak - Loch Ness Legend