- Source: Comparative army enlisted ranks of the European Union
- Comparative army enlisted ranks of the European Union
- List of comparative military ranks
- Comparative army officer ranks of the European Union
- Comparative navy enlisted ranks of the European Union
- Comparative air force enlisted ranks of the European Union
- Comparative army enlisted ranks of Africa
- Comparative navy officer ranks of the European Union
- Comparative air force officer ranks of the European Union
- List of police ranks
- United States Army
Rank comparison chart of non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and enlisted personnel for all armies and land forces of the European Union member states.
NCO and enlisted ranks
See also
Comparative army officer ranks of the European Union
Military rank
Comparative navy officer ranks of the European Union
Comparative navy enlisted ranks of the European Union
Comparative air force officer ranks of the European Union
Comparative air force enlisted ranks of the European Union
Ranks and insignia of NATO armies enlisted
Comparative army enlisted ranks of Europe