- Source: Comparison of programming languages (syntax)
- Comparison of programming languages (syntax)
- Syntax (programming languages)
- Comparison of programming languages
- Comparison of programming languages (strings)
- Comparison of programming languages (array)
- Operator (computer programming)
- Go (programming language)
- Comparison of functional programming languages
- Lightweight programming language
- History of programming languages
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This comparison of programming languages compares the features of language syntax (format) for over 50 computer programming languages.
Programming language expressions can be broadly classified into four syntax structures:
prefix notation
Lisp (* (+ 2 3) (expt 4 5))
infix notation
Fortran (2 + 3) * (4 ** 5)
suffix, postfix, or Reverse Polish notation
Forth 2 3 + 4 5 ** *
math-like notation
TUTOR (2 + 3)(45) $$ note implicit multiply operator
When a programming languages has statements, they typically have conventions for:
statement separators;
statement terminators; and
line continuation
A statement separator demarcates the boundary between two separate statements. A statement terminator defines the end of an individual statement. Languages that interpret the end of line to be the end of a statement are called "line-oriented" languages.
"Line continuation" is a convention in line-oriented languages where the newline character could potentially be misinterpreted as a statement terminator. In such languages, it allows a single statement to span more than just one line.
= Line continuation
=Line continuation is generally done as part of lexical analysis: a newline normally results in a token being added to the token stream, unless line continuation is detected.
Whitespace – Languages that do not need continuations
Ada – Lines terminate with semicolon
C# – Lines terminate with semicolon
JavaScript – Lines terminate with semicolon (which may be inferred)
Ampersand as last character of line
Fortran 90, Fortran 95, Fortran 2003, Fortran 2008
Backslash as last character of line
bash and other Unix shells
C, C++ preprocessor
Mathematica, Wolfram Language
JavaScript – only within single- or double-quoted strings
Backtick as last character of line
Hyphen as last character of line
Underscore as last character of line
Visual Basic
Ellipsis (as three periods–not one special character)
MATLAB: The ellipsis token need not be the last characters on the line, but any following it will be ignored. (In essence, it begins a comment that extends through (i.e. including) the first subsequent newline character. Contrast this with an inline comment, which extends until the first subsequent newline.)
Comma delimiter as last character of line
Ruby (comment may follow delimiter)
Left bracket delimiter as last character of line
Batch file: starting a parenthetical block can allow line continuation
Ruby: left parenthesis, left square bracket, or left curly bracket
Operator as last object of line
Ruby (comment may follow operator)
Operator as first character of continued line
AutoHotkey: Any expression operators except ++ and --, and a comma or a period
Backslash as first character of continued line
Some form of inline comment serves as line continuation
Turbo Assembler: \
m4: dnl
TeX: %
Character position
Fortran 77: A non-comment line is a continuation of the prior non-comment line if any non-space character appears in column 6. Comment lines cannot be continued.
COBOL: String constants may be continued by not ending the original string in a PICTURE clause with ', then inserting a - in column 7 (same position as the * for comment is used.)
TUTOR: Lines starting with a tab (after any indentation required by the context) continue the prior command.
[End and Begin] using normal quotes
C, C++ preprocessor: The string is ended normally and continues by starting with a quote on the next line.
To import a library is a way to read external, possibly compiled, routines, programs or packages. Imports can be classified by level (module, package, class, procedure,...) and by syntax (directive name, attributes,...)
File import
COPY filename. COBOL
:-include("filename"). Prolog
#include file="filename" ASP
#include "filename", AutoHotkey, AutoIt, C, C++
#import "filename", Objective-C
Import["filename"] Mathematica, Wolfram Language
include 'filename' Fortran
include "filename";PHP
include [filename] program, Pick Basic
#include [filename] program Pick Basic
load "filename"Ruby
load %filename Red
require('filename') Lua
require "filename"; Perl, PHP
require "filename" Ruby
source(""filename"") R
Package import
#include filename C, C++
#[path = "filename"] mod altname;, Rust
@import module; Objective-C
from module import * Python
extern crate libname;, Rust
extern crate libname as altname; Rust
mod modname;, Rust
library("package") R:
IMPORT module Oberon
import altname "package/name" Go:
import package.module;, D
import altname = package.module; D
import Module, Haskell
import qualified Module as M Haskell
import package.* Java, MATLAB, Kotlin
import "modname"; JavaScript:
import altname from "modname";, JavaScript:
import package Scala
import package._, Scala
import module Swift
import module V (Vlang)
import module, Python
require('modname') Lua:
require "gem", Ruby
use module, Fortran 90+
use module, only : identifier Fortran 90+
use Module;, Perl
use Module qw(import options);Perl
use Package.Name Cobra
uses unit Pascal
with package Ada
Class import
from module import Class Python
import package.class Java, MATLAB, kotlin
import class from "modname";, JavaScript
import {class} from "modname";, JavaScript
import {class as altname} from "modname";JavaScript
import package.class, Scala
import package.{ class1 => alternativeName, class2 }, Scala
import package._Scala
use Namespace\ClassName;, PHP
use Namespace\ClassName as AliasName; PHP
Procedure/function import
from module import function Python:
import package.module : symbol;, D:
import package.module : altsymbolname = symbol; D:
import Module (function) Haskell:
import function from "modname";, JavaScript:
import {function} from "modname";, JavaScript:
import {function as altname} from "modname";JavaScript:
import package.function MATLAB:
import package.class.function, Scala:
import package.class.{ function => alternativeName, otherFunction }Scala:
use Module ('symbol');Perl:
use function Namespace\function_name;, PHP:
use Namespace\function_name as function_alias_name; PHP:
use module::submodule::symbol;, Rust:
use module::submodule::{symbol1, symbol2};, Rust:
use module::submodule::symbol as altname; Rust:
Constant import
use const Namespace\CONST_NAME; PHP
The above statements can also be classified by whether they are a syntactic convenience (allowing things to be referred to by a shorter name, but they can still be referred to by some fully qualified name without import), or whether they are actually required to access the code (without which it is impossible to access the code, even with fully qualified names).
Syntactic convenience
import package.* Java
import package.class Java
open module OCaml
Required to access code
import altname "package/name" Go
import altname from "modname";JavaScript
import modulePython
A block is a notation for a group of two or more statements, expressions or other units of code that are related in such a way as to comprise a whole.
Braces (a.k.a. curly brackets) { ... }
Curly bracket programming languages: C, C++, Objective-C, Go, Java, JavaScript/ECMAScript, V (Vlang), C#, D, Perl, PHP (for & loop loops, or pass a block as argument), R, Rust, Scala, S-Lang, Swift, PowerShell, Haskell (in do-notation), AutoHotkey, Zig
Parentheses ( ... )
Batchfile, F# (lightweight syntax), OCaml, Prolog, Standard ML
Square brackets [ ... ]
Rebol, Red, Self, Smalltalk (blocks are first class objects. a.k.a. closures)
begin ... end
Ada, ALGOL, F# (verbose syntax), Pascal, Ruby (for, do/while & do/until loops), OCaml, SCL, Simula, Erlang.
do ... end
do ... done
Bash (for & while loops), F# (verbose syntax) Visual Basic, Fortran, TUTOR (with mandatory indenting of block body), Visual Prolog
do ... end
Lua, Ruby (pass blocks as arguments, for loop), Seed7 (encloses loop bodies between do and end)
X ... end (e.g. if ... end):
Ruby (if, while, until, def, class, module statements), OCaml (for & while loops), MATLAB (if & switch conditionals, for & while loops, try clause, package, classdef, properties, methods, events, & function blocks), Lua (then / else & function)
(begin ...)
(progn ...)
(do ...)
Off-side rule languages: Boo, Cobra, CoffeeScript, F#, Haskell (in do-notation when braces are omitted), LiveScript, occam, Python, Nemerle (Optional; the user may use white-space sensitive syntax instead of the curly-brace syntax if they so desire), Nim, Scala (Optional, as in Nemerle)
Free-form languages: most descendants from ALGOL (including C, Pascal, and Perl); Lisp languages
Ada, Visual Basic, Seed7: if ... end if
APL: :If ... :EndIf or :If ... :End
Bash, sh, and ksh: if ... fi, do ... done, case ... esac;
ALGOL 68: begin ... end, ( ... ), if ... fi, do ... od
Lua, Pascal, Modula-2, Seed7: repeat ... until
COBOL: IF ... END-IF, PERFORM ... END-PERFORM, etc. for statements; ... . for sentences.
Visual Basic .Net: If ... End If, For ... Next, Do ... Loop
Small Basic: If ... EndIf, For ... EndFor, While ... EndWhile
Comments can be classified by:
style (inline/block)
parse rules (ignored/interpolated/stored in memory)
recursivity (nestable/non-nestable)
uses (docstrings/throwaway comments/other)
= Inline comments
=Inline comments are generally those that use a newline character to indicate the end of a comment, and an arbitrary delimiter or sequence of tokens to indicate the beginning of a comment.
= Block comments
=Block comments are generally those that use a delimiter to indicate the beginning of a comment, and another delimiter to indicate the end of a comment. In this context, whitespace and newline characters are not counted as delimiters. In the examples, the symbol ~ represents the comment; and, the symbols surrounding it are understood by the interpreters/compilers as the delimiters.
= Unique variants
Indenting lines in Fortran 66/77 is significant. The actual statement is in columns 7 through 72 of a line. Any non-space character in column 6 indicates that this line is a continuation of the prior line. A 'C' in column 1 indicates that this entire line is a comment. Columns 1 though 5 may contain a number which serves as a label. Columns 73 though 80 are ignored and may be used for comments; in the days of punched cards, these columns often contained a sequence number so that the deck of cards could be sorted into the correct order if someone accidentally dropped the cards. Fortran 90 removed the need for the indentation rule and added inline comments, using the ! character as the comment delimiter.
In fixed format code, line indentation is significant. Columns 1–6 and columns from 73 onwards are ignored. If a * or / is in column 7, then that line is a comment. Until COBOL 2002, if a D or d was in column 7, it would define a "debugging line" which would be ignored unless the compiler was instructed to compile it.
Cobra supports block comments with "/# ... #/" which is like the "/* ... */" often found in C-based languages, but with two differences. The # character is reused from the single-line comment form "# ...", and the block comments can be nested which is convenient for commenting out large blocks of code.
Curl supports block comments with user-defined tags as in |foo# ... #foo|.
Like raw strings, there can be any number of equals signs between the square brackets, provided both the opening and closing tags have a matching number of equals signs; this allows nesting as long as nested block comments/raw strings use a different number of equals signs than their enclosing comment: --[[comment --[=[ nested comment ]=] ]]. Lua discards the first newline (if present) that directly follows the opening tag.
Block comments in Perl are considered part of the documentation, and are given the name Plain Old Documentation (POD). Technically, Perl does not have a convention for including block comments in source code, but POD is routinely used as a workaround.
PHP supports standard C/C++ style comments, but supports Perl style as well.
The use of the triple-quotes to comment-out lines of source, does not actually form a comment. The enclosed text becomes a string literal, which Python usually ignores (except when it is the first statement in the body of a module, class or function; see docstring).
The above trick used in Python also works in Elixir, but the compiler will throw a warning if it spots this. To suppress the warning, one would need to prepend the sigil ~S (which prevents string interpolation) to the triple-quoted string, leading to the final construct ~S""" ... """. In addition, Elixir supports a limited form of block comments as an official language feature, but as in Perl, this construct is entirely intended to write documentation. Unlike in Perl, it cannot be used as a workaround, being limited to certain parts of the code and throwing errors or even suppressing functions if used elsewhere.
Raku uses #`(...) to denote block comments. Raku actually allows the use of any "right" and "left" paired brackets after #` (i.e. #`(...), #`[...], #`{...}, #`<...>, and even the more complicated #`{{...}} are all valid block comments). Brackets are also allowed to be nested inside comments (i.e. #`{ a { b } c } goes to the last closing brace).
Block comment in Ruby opens at =begin line and closes at =end line.
The region of lines enclosed by the #
Scheme and Racket
The next complete syntactic component (s-expression) can be commented out with #; .
ABAP supports two different kinds of comments. If the first character of a line, including indentation, is an asterisk (*) the whole line is considered as a comment, while a single double quote (") begins an in-line comment which acts until the end of the line. ABAP comments are not possible between the statements EXEC SQL and ENDEXEC because Native SQL has other usages for these characters. In the most SQL dialects the double dash (--) can be used instead.
Esoteric languages
Many esoteric programming languages follow the convention that any text not executed by the instruction pointer (e.g., Befunge) or otherwise assigned a meaning (e.g., Brainfuck), is considered a "comment".
= Comment comparison
=There is a wide variety of syntax styles for declaring comments in source code.
BlockComment in italics is used here to indicate block comment style.
InlineComment in italics is used here to indicate inline comment style.
See also
C syntax
C++ syntax
Curly bracket programming languages, a broad family of programming language syntaxes
Java syntax
JavaScript syntax
PHP syntax and semantics
Python syntax and semantics