• Source: Cosmic Quantum Ray
    • Cosmic Quantum Ray is an animated television series. The series premiered in the United States on November 7, 2007, on Animania HD, then in 2009 in Germany on KI.KA, and then later on October 10, 2010, on The Hub. It also aired on Science Channel as part of a sneak peek of the latter.


      The story centers on teenager Robbie Shipton, who possesses a shoe box leading to the Ninth Dimension, the home of Quantum Ray. Robbie joins Team Quantum, a team of heroes responsible for stopping the many antagonists of the show, such as Professor Evil Brainhead and his hamster mother-figure named Mother, from carrying out their plans. He also attends school in the ordinary dimension, and occasionally characters from the two dimensions end up meeting with each other.


      Although produced by Germany's KI.KA and France's M6, the show was written in English, the writing supervised by Head Writers/Co-producers and Emmy winners Pamela Hickey and Dennys McCoy. In 2009, the series beat out Nickelodeon, Disney and Cartoon Network to win the Pulcinella Award for Best TV Series. The series was created by cosmologist Dr. Mani Bhaumik. Hickey and McCoy based all their stories on principles and theories from quantum physics, and Dr. Bhaumik provided the math. Cosmic Quantum Ray is a comedy/science-fiction adventure that, at the end of each episode, explains the quantum physics associated with a story and/or physical gags found within the series.


      Ashleigh Ball – Allison
      Doron Bell – Lucas
      Richard Ian Cox – Chip Monahan
      Matt Hill – Scott
      Tom Kenny – Quantum Ray, Kronecker, Professor Evil Brainhead, Commander Fuzzy, Guy Gamma
      Colin Murdock – Bucketworth
      Pauline Newstone – Contessa De Worm
      Samuel Vincent – Robbie Shipton, Justin
      Cathy Weseluck – Mother Brainhead
      Chiara Zanni – Atee, Geecey


      Mani Bhaumik – Creator, Executive Producer
      Tatiana Chekhova – Executive Producer
      Mike Young – Executive Producer
      Andrew Young – Director
      Arnaud Bouron – Co-Director (France)
      Karl Willems – Voice Director


      Alison Attacks!
      It Was Nothing!
      What's Up With Gravity?
      There's a Universe in Scott's Head!
      Olga's Dish of Doom
      Chip Monahan: Alien Squirrel Master!
      What's a Bucketworth?
      Me, Robot
      Are We There Yet?
      Un-Real Estate
      Mr. Charm's Bad Vibration
      Eat at Olga's
      Alison's New Pet
      Rings of Fire
      Return of the Alien Squirrel Master
      Hall of Fame
      Here Today, Gone Yesterday
      Pirates of the Dark Matter
      Wild, Wild Wormhole
      Let's Play a Game
      Oh Mother, Where Art Thou?
      Tangled Up in Twins
      Cosmic Quantum... Robbie
      The Incredible Shrinking Ray
      Ms. Zooty's


      External links

      Cosmic Quantum Ray at IMDb

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