• Source: Encarna Sant-Celoni i Verger
  • Encarna Sant-Celoni i Verger (Tavernes de la Valldigna, La Safor, 1959) is a Spanish narrative writer, poet and translator. In 1983, she won the Ciutat de Cullera prize, with Dotze contes i una nota necrològica, and in 1985 she obtained the prestigious Premi Joanot Martorell de Gandia, with her novel Siamangorina. She is a member of AELC and has translated, among other works, Els mil i un quarts d'hora, by Thomas-Simon Gueullette (Editorial Moll, 2008), and Ifis i Iante, d'Isaac de Benserade (Martorell: adesiara, 2024), and has co-translated from Danish the anthology Digte-POEMES, by Tove Ditlevsen (Alfons el Magnànim, 1995), together with Anne Marie Dinesen. And from Arabic she has translated all the cassidas in existence today of the poets of Al Andalus in the work Perles de la nit. Poetes andalusines, together with Margarida Castells (Adesiara Editorial, 2013).
    In 2004, she was awarded the Vila de Puçol prize and in 2008 she published the anthology Eròtiques i despentinades. Un recorregut de cent anys per la poesia catalana amb veu de dona, with artwork by Maria Montes (Arola Editors). She is also co-author of two language texts, Reciclatge (1992) and Accent greu (2000). She has also collaborated with various magazines, journals and publications as well as taking part in several collective acts of homage and new books concerned with poetry in particular.



    Siamangorina. Ajuntament de Gandia. Gandia, 1986
    Al cor, la quimereta. Tabarca llibres. València, 2003 i 2009
    Milonga de tardor. Òmicron. Badalona, 2014

    Sénia de petits vicis. La Forest d'Arana. València, 1989
    Arran de pantomima. Amós Belinchon. València, 1991
    Dèria i fal·lera. La Forest d'Arana. València, 1996
    Sediments d'albaïna i maregassa. Brosquil Edicions. València, 2002
    Narrative writing

    Dotze contes i una nota necrològica. El Cingle. València,1985
    Guarda't dels jocs del destí. Brosquil Edicions. València, 2005


    Further reading

    To Edith Pargeter, alias Ellis Peters, In Memoriam and as a thoughtful tribute. In "Qui quaerit, invenit", brother Cadfael receives a very special command from Hildegard of Bingen : Qui Quaerit, invenit, 2015 (Trad. John Joseph Vélez): investigate the death of Richardis von Stade. https://www.escriptors.cat/sites/default/files/inline-files/encarna-sant-celoni-Qui-quaerit-invenit-english.pdf
    Story about Charlotte Perkins Gilman, in Catalan : http://opinions.laveupv.com/el-conte-del-diumenge/blog/les-possibilitats-de-la-parra-dencarna-sant-celoni-i-verger Archived 2017-03-15 at the Wayback Machine
    Story about Charlotte Perkins Gilman, in English: The possibilities of the vine, 2016 (Trad. Fiona Kelso) : https://www.escriptors.cat/autors/santcelonie/possibilities-vine-encarna-santceloni.pdf
    AELC: http://www.escriptors.cat/autors/santcelonie/pagina.php?id_sec=1482
    Selection of Catalan poetry. Noves Generacions: http://www.uoc.edu/lletra/especials/folch/esantcel.htm
    Who's who: http://www.qeqculturavalenciana.es/cultura/sant-celoni-i-verger-encarna Archived 2015-02-18 at the Wayback Machine
    Saforíssims http://www.saforissims.org/tag/encarna-sant-celoni/
    Recital in London, Recital d'Eròtiques i despentinades: London, https://web.archive.org/web/20150218115526/http://www.sas.ac.uk/videos-and-podcasts/culture-language-literature/erotiques-i-despetinades
    Milonga de tardor. Interview: http://www.promoartyou.com/ca/noticies/2015/04/20/milonga-de-tardor-el-projecte-de-encarna-sant-celoni-escriptora
    Nora Almada: "Eròtica catalana. Dones que escriuen poesia", Literata, desembre de 2008. Interview:https://web.archive.org/web/20160303195745/http://www.escriptors.cat/autors/santcelonie/entrevista_literata.pdf
    Pepa Úbeda: Estrictament confidencial, Ràdio Klara, 101.4 FM, València, 29 de desembre de 2014. Interview: http://www.ivoox.com/estrictament-confidencial-encarna-sant-celoni-i-verger-audios-mp3_rf_3914535_1.html

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