- Source: Frauchi International Competition and Festival
The Frauchi International Competition and Festival (Russian: Международный конкурс и фестиваль имени Фраучи) is a biannual competition for classical guitarists and festival which takes place in Moscow, Russia.
Founded in 2009 by pianist Maria Latinskaya-Frauchi in memory of her late husband, the famous Russian guitarist and guitar professor Alexander Frauchi, this competition has become one of the most prestigious awards for guitarists in Russia and abroad. The competition has no age limit, and winners of previous first prizes cannot re-enter the competition in subsequent years. There is a substantial cash prize, with smaller amounts for other finalists.
During the competitional years, the stars of the Frauchi festivals have included Roland Dyens, Marcin Dylla, Aniello Desiderio, Zoran Dukic, Sérgio and Odair Assad, Roberto Aussel, Pavel Steidl, Leo Brouwer, Ricardo Gallen, David Pavlovic, José María Gallardo Del Rey, Yamandu Costa, Artyom Dervoed, Dimitri Illarionov and the Kupinski Guitar Duo.
List of previous winners
See also
International classical guitar competitions
List of classical music competitions
Classical guitar
External links
Official site