- Source: Jaragli
Jaragli is a village / panchayat located in the Gir Gadhada Taluka of Gir Somnath district in Gujarat, India. Earlier, until August 2013, Jaragli was part of Una Taluka and Junagadh district. The latitude 20.889738 and longitude 70.932895 are the geo-coordinate of the Village Jaragli. Gandhinagar is the state capital of Jaragli village which is located around 400 kilometres away from Jaragli.
According to Census 2011, with the 637 families, the population of this village is 3358. Out of this, 1702 are males and 1656 are females. Most residents are dependent on agriculture.
According to the 2011 census of India, Jaragli has 637 households. The effective literacy rate (i.e. the literacy rate of population excluding children aged 6 and below) is 73.74%
List of villages in Gir Gadhada Taluka
Below is the Revenue records list of forty-three villages of Gir Gadhada Taluka including Gir Gadhada village.