- Source: Journal of Food Process Engineering
- Da-Wen Sun
- Saus keju
- Kalsium laktat
- Karakteristik teknik bahan pertanian
- Teknologi pangan
- Pangan rekayasa genetika
- Reologi
- Asam asetat
- Natrium hipoklorit
- Tembaga
- Journal of Food Process Engineering
- Food and biological process engineering
- Cheese sauce
- Moringa oleifera
- Science Publishing Group
- List of food and drink magazines
- Shelf-stable food
- Vacuum drying
- Food science
- Smoked salmon
The Journal of Food Process Engineering is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers research on applications of engineering to food and food processing. It was established in 1977 and is published by Wiley-Blackwell. The journal moved to online-only publication in 2011. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2022 impact factor of 3.0.
External links
Official website