- Source: KM3
- Presipitasi (meteorologi)
- 2002 KM3
- (279744) 1998 KM3
- Gunung Toba
- Siklus air
- Gunung Sunda
- Danau Baikal
- Laut Kaspia
- Pulau Sumbawa
- Ladang gas Deleni
- Cubic metre
- KM3
- List of countries by natural gas proven reserves
- List of natural gas fields
- List of lakes by volume
- Water distribution on Earth
- Water resources management in Syria
- Mahanadi
- List of lakes of Sweden
- Black Sea
KM3 or Kernel Meta Meta Model is a neutral computer language to write metamodels and to define Domain Specific Languages. KM3 has been defined at INRIA and is available under the Eclipse platform.
KM3: a DSL for Metamodel Specification Jouault, F, and Bézivin, J (2006). In: Proceedings of 8th IFIP International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems, LNCS 4037, Bologna, Italy, pages 171-185.
ADT Download
Eclipse GMT site
softwarefactories.com article
Softmetaware.com article
uio.no article
softmetaware.com article
trese.cs.utwente.nl présentation
bis.uni-leipzig.de présentation
Related Concepts
Model-driven architecture (MDA is an OMG Trademark),
Model Driven Engineering (MDE is not an OMG Trademark)
Domain Specific Language (DSL)
Domain-specific modelling (DSM)
Model-based testing (MBT)
Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD)
External links
KM3 @ Eclipse.