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  • Source: Labour Party (UK) affiliated trade union
  • In British politics, an affiliated trade union is one that is linked to the Labour Party. The party was created by the trade unions and socialist societies in 1900 as the Labour Representation Committee and the unions have retained close institutional links with it.
    Affiliated unions pay an annual fee to the Labour Party; in return, they elect thirteen of the thirty-nine members of Labour's National Executive Committee and fifty per cent of the delegates to Labour Party Conference. Local union branches also affiliate to Constituency Labour Parties and their members who are also individual members of the Party may represent the union as delegates on Labour Party structures.
    Individual members may opt out of paying into a union's political fund which is used to finance the affiliation.
    Since 1994, affiliated trade unions have organised themselves into TULO - The Trade Union & Labour Party Liaison Organisation, with a small number of staff to manage the relationship between the unions and the Party. A national TULO committee, with the unions' general secretaries, the Party Leader and Deputy Leader, General Secretary and NEC Chair and MPs' representatives, meets regularly to co-ordinate work and policy.
    Until 1995, each union exercised a block vote at party conferences; since then, multiple delegates of a single union get an equal share of its voting allocation.

    Affiliated unions

    As of October 2021, the trade unions affiliated to the Labour Party are:

    Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen (ASLEF)
    Community (formerly KFAT & ISTC)
    Communication Workers Union (CWU)
    Fire Brigades Union (FBU)
    Musicians Union (MU)
    National Union of Mineworkers (NUM)
    Transport Salaried Staffs' Association (TSSA)
    UNISON (The Public Services Union)
    Unite (general workers in public and private sectors)
    Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (USDAW)
    The General Federation of Trade Unions (GFTU) represents its members, seven of the smaller unions, on many of the committees if they cannot send a delegate. In 2015, Unity merged into the GMB. In January 2017, the Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union (BECTU) merged with Prospect, a trade union that represents certain grades in the civil service and other professionals. Because Prospect represents civil servants, they are politically neutral and so BECTU disaffiliated from the Labour Party as a condition of the merger. In January 2017, the Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians (UCATT) merged into Unite.

    Former affiliates

    During Tony Blair's leadership of the Labour Party, the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers and Fire Brigades Union severed their links. However, the Fire Brigades Union re-affiliated to the Labour Party in November 2015. In September 2021 the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers' Union, one of the founding unions of the party, announced its disaffiliation from the party, citing dissatisfaction with Keir Starmer's leadership.
    Formerly, there were many more small trade unions in the UK, and many of them affiliated to the Labour Party. In 1946, the affiliates were:

    Amalgamated Engineering Union
    Amalgamated Society of Journeymen Felt Hatters
    Amalgamated Society of Shuttlemakers
    Amalgamated Society of Textile Workers and Kindred Trades
    Amalgamated Union of Building Trade Workers of Great Britain and Ireland
    Amalgamated Union of Operative Bakers, Confectioners and Allied Workers
    Amalgamated Union of Upholsterers
    Associated Blacksmiths', Forge and Smithy Workers' Society
    Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen
    Association of Cine-Technicians
    Association of Correctors of the Press
    Association of Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen
    Boilermakers' and Iron and Steel Shipbuilders' Society
    Cardiff, Penarth and Barry Coal Trimmers' Union
    Confederation of Health Service Employees
    Constructional Engineering Union
    Clerical and Administrative Workers' Union
    Electrical Trades Union
    Enginemen and Firemen's Union
    Fire Brigades' Union
    General Iron Fitters' Association
    Iron and Steel Trades Confederation
    Ironfounding Workers' Association
    London Society of Compositors
    National Amalgamated Furnishing Trades' Association
    National Amalgamated Union of Life Assurance Workers
    National Amalgamated Union of Shop Assistants, Warehousemen and Clerks
    National Association of Operative Plasterers
    National Cutlery Union
    National League of the Blind
    National Society of Coppersmiths, Braziers and Metal Workers
    National Society of Metal Mechanics
    National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants
    National Society of Painters
    National Society of Pottery Workers
    National Union of Agricultural Workers
    National Union of Blastfurnacemen, Ore Miners, Coke Workers and Kindred Trades
    National Union of Boot and Shoe Operatives
    National Union of Cigarette Makers and Tobacco Workers
    National Union of Distributive and Allied Workers
    National Union of Dyers, Bleachers and Textile Workers
    National Union of Electrotypers and Stereotypers
    National Union of Foundry Workers
    National Union of General and Municipal Workers
    National Union of Gold, Silver and Allied Trades
    National Union of Mineworkers
    National Union of Public Employees
    National Union of Railwaymen
    National Union of Seamen
    National Union of Shale Miners and Oil Workers
    National Union of Stove, Grate, and General Metal Workers
    National Union of Tailors and Garment Workers
    National Union of Vehicle Builders
    National Woolsorters' Society
    Power Loom Carpet Weavers' and Textile Workers' Association
    Prudential Staff Union
    Railway Clerks' Association
    Scottish Painters' Society
    Scottish Union of Bakers and Confectioners
    Ship Constructors' and Shipwrights' Association
    Society of Lithographic Artists, Designers, Engravers and Process Workers
    Transport and General Workers' Union
    Typographical Association
    United French Polishers' Society
    United Patternmakers' Association
    United Textile Factory Workers' Association
    Waterproof Garment Workers' Trade Union
    Yorkshire Warptwisters' Society

    See also

    Trades Union Congress
    Political funding in the United Kingdom
    Trade Union and Labour Party Liaison Organisation
    Socialist society (Labour Party)


    External links

    TULO - Unions Together

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