- Source: List of Annelida of Ireland
This is a list of the Annelida recorded from Ireland.
In Ireland the number of species is:
Class Polychaeta 404 species
Class Clitellata
Subclass Oligochaeta 179 species
Subclass Hirudinea 32 species
Taxonomy Here the leeches and oligochaetes are placed together in the Class Clitellata. The marine Polychaeta are ranked as a Class. These groups (and the Annelida) may be monophyletic, paraphyletic or polyphyletic. (Rouse and Pleijel, 2001).
Order Phyllodocida
= Family Chrysopetalidae
=2 species
= Family Pisionidae
=First segment projects forward of the head. Pisione.
1 species
= Family Aphroditidae
="Felt"-covered scale worms. Aphrodita, Laetmonice, Palmyra (Palmyridae)
4 species including
Aphrodita aculeata
= Family Polynoidae
=29 species including
Alentia gelatinosa
Gattyana cirrosa
Lepidonotus squamatus
= Family Pholoidae
=Minute scale worms. Dorsal scales ringed. Pholoe, Pholoides images of Pholoidae
4 species
= Family Sigalionidae
=Scale worms (with dorsal scales) and compound neurosetae. Sigalion, Psammolyce, Sthenelais.
8 species including
Sigalion mathildae
= Family Phyllodocidae
=Active predators with leaf-like dorsal cirri, notopodia otherwise reduced. Phyllodoce, Eumida Eteone and many others.
38 species including
Eulalia viridis
Eteone foliosa
Eteone longa
Eumida sanguinea
Hesionura elongata
Phyllodoce lineata
Phyllodoce maculata
Phyllodoce rosea
= Family Chaetopteridae
=1 species
Chaetopterus variopedatus
= Family Lacydoniidae
=A small obscure family, perhaps with hesionid affinities. Short body and proboscis unarmed. Lacydonia.
1 species
= Family Alciopidae
=Slender pelagic forms with giant eyes. Vanadis, Alciopa.
3 species
= Family Lopadorrhynchidae
=Short pelagic forms. Lopadorrhynchus.
5 species
= Family Typhloscolecidae
=Transparent pelagic group with tapering bodies and foliaceous segmental cirri. Sagitella, Typhloscolex, Travisiopsis.
2 species
= Family Tomopteridae
=Flattened pelagic forms with long cirri on segment-two. Tomopteris
2 species
= Family Glyceridae
=Cylindrical forms with a conical prostomium and four jaws. Glycera, Hemipodus.
1 species
Glycera alba
= Family Goniadidae
=Similar to Glyceridae with the anterior parapodia uniramous, multiple jaw- pieces, and chevron structures on the proboscis. Goniada, Glycinde.
3 species
= Family Sphaerodoridae
=Dorsal rows of spherical tubercles. Sphaerodorum.
4 species
= Family Hesionidae
=10 species
= Family Pilargidae
=1 species
= Family Syllidae
=38 species including
Haplosyllis spongicola
Sphaerosyllis levantina
Syllis prolifera
= Family Nereididae
=10 species including
Alitta succinea
Alitta virens
Hediste diversicolor
Platynereis dumerilii
Eunereis longissima
= Family Nephtyidae
=11 species including
Nephtys cirrosa
Order Amphinomida
= Family Amphinomidae
=3 species
= Family Euphrosinidae
=Order Spintherida
= Family Spintheridae
=1 species
Order Eunicida
= Family Onuphidae
=1 species
= Family Eunicidae
=8 species
= Family Lumbrineridae
=A Eunicida group lacking notopodia and with reduced or absent dorsal head appendages. Lumbrineris, Ninoe, Lysarete.
5 species
= Family Oenonidae
=Similar to Lumbrineridae with long maxillary carriers. Arabella, Drilonereis, Oenone.
3 species
= Family Dorvilleidae
=A Eunicida group with multiple jaw elements. Dorvillea, Ophryotrocha
6 species including
Protodorvillea kefersteini
Order Orbiniida
= Family Orbiniidae
=3 species
= Family Paraonidae
=Resembling Spionidae (but unrelated). With or without a single antenna, with gills, and without palps. Paraonis, Aricidea.
13 species
= Order Spionida
== Family Apistobranchidae
=1 species
= Family Poecilochaetidae
=Fragile forms with stiff parapodial lobes and multiple simple setal types. Poecilochaetus.
1 species
= Family Spionidae
=31 species including
Aonides paucibranchiata
Scolelepis bonnieri
Scolelepis squamata
Spiophanes bombyx
= Family Magelonidae
=Small forms with a shovel-like head and papillose palp pair. Magelona.
5 species
= Family Cirratulidae
=12 species including
Cirratulus cirratus
Order Cossurida
= Family Cossuridae
=Slender forms with a single median palp on dorsal side of one anterior setiger.
1 species
Order Terebellida
= Family Flabelligeridae
=Papillated body and cross-barred setae. Flabelligera, Diplocirrus, Brada.
4 species including
Diplocirrus glaucus
Diplocirrus incognitus
= Family Acrocirridae
=1 species
Order Capitellida
= Family Capitellidae
=9 species including
Heteromastus filiformis
= Family Arenicolidae
=3 species including
Arenicola marina
= Family Maldanidae
=Bamboo worms. Long and cylindrical and truncate at one or both ends. Most with long, cylindrical segments with a pair of nuchal slits and a median cephalic keel. Maldane, Axiothella, Rhodine, Nicomache.
10 species
Order Opheliida
= Family Opheliidae
=9 species including
Ophelina acuminata
Thoracophelia flabellifera
Ophelia limacina
= Family Scalibregmatidae
=Maggot-like or anteriorly inflated group with a small T-shaped prostomium. Scalibregma, Hyboscolex.
4 species including
Scalibregma inflatum
Order Nerillida
= Family Nerillidae
=1 species
Nerilla antennata
Order Polygordiida
= Family Polygordiidae
=Elongate nematode-like forms without setae, and with a stiff frontal tentacle pair. Polygordius.
2 species
Order Protodrilida
= Family Protodrilidae
=Minute forms without setae and with a flexible tentacle pair (near-frontal, but separated). They live in spaces between sediment grains. Protodrilus.
1 species
Order Polychaeta incertae sedis
Dinophilus taeniatus
= Family Saccocirridae
=1 species
Order Oweniida
= Family Oweniidae
=2 species
Order Terebellida
= Family Pectinariidae
=3 species
= Family Sabellariidae
=3 species
Sabellaria alveolata
Sabellaria spinulosa
Sabella spallanzanii
= Family Ampharetidae
=Forms with no posterior notosetae and usually with simple, transversely-arranged gills. Ampharete, Melinna
5 species including
Ampharete acutifrons
= Family Trichobranchidae
=Resemble Terebellidae but have long-handled hooks. Terebellides.
2 species
= Family Terebellidae
=23 species
Lanice conchilega
Thelepus cincinnatus
Lagis koreni
Order Sabellida
= Family Sabellidae
=19 species including
Sabella pavonina
= Family Serpulidae
=8 species
Janua pagenstecheri
Ficopomatus enigmaticus
Serpula vermicularis
Pomatoceros triqueter
Pomatoceros lamarckii
= Family Spirorbidae
=Small asymmetric fan worms with coiled calcareous tubes cemented to algae and rock. Spirorbis.
8 species
Spirorbis spirorbis
Order Myzostomida
= Family Myzostomatidae
=1 species
Class Aphanoneura
= Family Aeolosomatidae
=Aeolosoma hemprichi
Aeolosoma variegatum
Class Clitellata
Subclass Oligochaeta
Order Opisthopora
= Family Acanthodrilidae
=1 species
= Family Octochaetidae
=1 species
= Family Lumbricidae
=26 species
Allolobophora chlorotica
Allolobophoridella eiseni
Aporrectodea caliginosa
Aporrectodea cupulifera
Aporrectodea icterica
Aporrectodea limicola
Aporrectodea longa
Aporrectodea rosea
Dendrobaena attemsi
Dendrobaena hortensis
Dendrobaena octaedra
Dendrobaena veneta
Dendrodrilus rubidus
Dendrodrilus subrubicundus
Eisenia fetida
Eisenia parva
Eiseniella tetraedra
Helodrilus oculatus
Lumbricus castaneus
Lumbricus festivus
Lumbricus friendi
Lumbricus rubellus
Lumbricus terrestris
Murchieona minuscula
Octolasion cyaneum
Octolasion lacteum
Satchellius mammalis
Order Enchytraeida
= Family Enchytraeidae
=96 species
Order Tubificida
= Family Naididae
=50 species
Order Lumbriculida
= Family Lumbriculidae
=5 species
Class Clitellata
Subclass Hirudinea
Order Arhynchobdellida
= Family Erpobdellidae
=5 species
= Family Hirudinidae
=1 species
Hirudo medicinalis
Order Rhynchobdellida
= Family Glossiphoniidae
=7 species
= Family Ozobranchidae
=2 species
= Family Piscicolidae
=17 species
Fauna Europaea
McIntosh, William Carmichael A monograph of the British marine annelids. London, The Ray society,1873/1900-1922/23.online
Bellan, G. (2001) Polychaeta in Costello, M.J. (2001).European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels.
P. J. Hayward and J. S. Ryland Eds., 1999 The Marine Fauna of the British Isles and North-West Europe Oxford University Press ISBN 9780198540557
Howson, C.M. & Picton, B.E.(eds) 1997. The species directory of the marine fauna and flora of the British Isles and surrounding seas.Ulster Museum and The Marine Conservation Society, Belfast and Ross-on-Wye.
Fauvel P., 1923. Polychètes errantes. Faune de France n° 5 488 p., 181 fig.PDF (25 Mo) (Identification)
Fauvel P., 1927. Polychètes sédentaires. Faune de France n° 16 494 p., 152 fig.PDF (25 Mo) (Identification)
World Register of Marine Species Searchable for Irish list
External links
Bernard E. Picton and Christine C. Morrow Encyclopedia of Marine Life of Britain and Ireland
MarLIN Marine Life Information Network for Britain and Ireland.
Roche C., Clarke S. & O’Connor B. (2005) Inventory of Irish marine wildlife publications. Irish Wildlife Manuals, No. 16. National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dublin, Ireland.
Marine species identification portal
Barnich, R Scale worms in British and Irish waters
Kata Kunci Pencarian:
- Brakiopoda
- List of Annelida of Ireland
- Fauna of Ireland
- List of domesticated animals
- Outline of zoology
- Signal crayfish
- List of Asian animals extinct in the Holocene
- Serpula
- List of organisms named after famous people (born 1950–present)
- List of organisms named after famous people (born 1900–1949)
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