- Source: List of Minnesota grasses, sedges, and rushes
This is a list of graminoids (grasses, sedges, and rushes) native or introduced to the U.S. state of Minnesota, organized alphabetically by scientific name (genus and species).
Andropogon gerardi (big bluestem; native)
Andropogon hallii (sand bluestem; introduced from the central United States)
Agrostis gigantea (black bentgrass; introduced from Eurasia)
Agrostis hyemalis (winter bentgrass; native)
Agrostis scabra (rough bentgrass; native)
Agrostis perennans (upland bentgrass; native)
Agrostis stolonifera (creeping bentgrass; introduced from Eurasia)
Bouteloua curtipendula (sideoats grama; native)
Bouteloua dactyloides (buffalograss; native)
Bouteloua gracilis (blue grama; native)
Bouteloua hirsuta (hairy grama; native)
Bromus arvensis (field brome; introduced from Eurasia)
Bromus catharticus (rescuegrass; introduced from South America)
Bromus ciliatus (fringed brome; native)
Bromus inermis (smooth brome; introduced from Eurasia)
Bromus kalmii (prairie brome, Kalm's brome; native)
Bromus latiglumis (early-leaved brome; native)
Bromus pubescens (hairy woodland brome; native)
Bromus secalinus (rye brome; introduced from Eurasia)
Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass; introduced from Eurasia)
Calamagrostis canadensis (marsh reedgrass; native)
Calamagrostis montanensis (plains reedgrass; native)
Calamagrostis purpurascens (purple reedgrass; native)
Calamagrostis stricta (slim-stemmed reedgrass; native)
Calamovilfa longifolia (sand reedgrass; native)
Carex adusta (lesser brown sedge; native)
Carex albicans (white-tinged sedge; native)
Carex albursina (White Bear sedge; native)
Carex alopecoidea (foxtail sedge; native)
Carex annectens (yellow-fruited sedge; native)
Carex aquatilis (water sedge; native)
Carex arcta (northern cluster sedge; native)
Carex arctata (drooping woodland sedge; native)
Carex assiniboinensis (Assiniboia sedge; native)
Carex atherodes (wheat sedge; native)
Carex aurea (golden sedge; native)
Carex bebbii (Bebb's sedge; native)
Carex bicknellii (Bicknell's sedge; native)
Carex blanda (common woodland sedge; native)
Carex brevior (plains oval sedge; native)
Carex bromoides (brome-like sedge; native)
Carex brunnescens (brownish sedge; native)
Carex buxbaumii (Buxbaum's sedge; native)
Carex canescens (silvery sedge; native)
Carex capillaris (hair-like sedge; native)
Carex careyana (Carey's sedge; native)
Carex castanea (chestnut sedge; native)
Carex cephaloidea (thin-leaved sedge; native)
Carex cephalophora (oval-leaved sedge; native)
Carex chordorrhiza (creeping sedge; native)
Carex communis (fibrous-rooted sedge; native)
Carex comosa (long-haired sedge; native)
Carex conjuncta (soft fox sedge; native)
Carex conoidea (openfield sedge; native)
Carex crinita (fringed sedge; native)
Carex cristatella (crested sedge; native)
Carex crus-corvi (raven-footed sedge; native)
Carex cryptolepis (northeastern sedge; native)
Carex davisii (Davis's sedge; native)
Carex debilis (white-edged sedge; native)
Carex deflexa (northern sedge; native)
Carex deweyana (Dewey sedge; native)
Carex diandra (lesser panicled sedge; native)
Carex disperma (soft-leaved sedge; native)
Carex duriuscula (needle-leaved sedge; native)
Carex eburnea (ivory sedge; native)
Carex echinata (star sedge; native)
Carex echinodes (native)
Carex emoryi (Emory's sedge; native)
Carex exilis (coastal sedge; native)
Carex festucacea (fescue sedge; native)
Carex filifolia (thread-leaved sedge; native)
Carex flava (yellow sedge; native)
Carex foenea (straw sedge; native)
Carex formosa (handsome sedge; native)
Carex garberi (elk sedge; native)
Carex gracillima (graceful sedge; native)
Carex granularis (limestone meadow sedge; native)
Carex gravida (heavy sedge; native)
Carex grayi (common bur sedge, Gray's sedge; native)
Carex grisea (inflated narrow-leaved sedge; native)
Carex gynandra (nodding sedge; native)
Carex gynocrates (northern bog sedge; native)
Carex hallii (deer sedge; native)
Carex haydenii (Hayden's sedge; native)
Carex hirtifolia (pubescent sedge; native)
Carex hitchcockiana (Hitchcock's sedge; native)
Carex hookeriana (Hooker's sedge; native)
Carex houghtoniana (Houghton's sedge; native)
Carex hystericina (porcupine sedge; native)
Carex inops (long-stoloned sedge; native)
Carex interior (inland sedge; native)
Carex intumescens (greater bladder sedge; native)
Carex jamesii (James's sedge; native)
Carex ×knieskernii (native)
Carex lacustris (lake sedge; native)
Carex laeviconica (smooth-coned sedge; native)
Carex laevivaginata (smooth-sheathed sedge; native)
Carex lasiocarpa (woolly-fruited sedge; native)
Carex laxiculmis (spreading sedge; native)
Carex leptalea (bristly-stalked sedge; native)
Carex leptonervia (nerveless woodland sedge; native)
Carex limosa (mud sedge; native)
Carex livida (livid sedge; native)
Carex lucorum (Blue Ridge sedge; native)
Carex lupulina (hop sedge; native)
Carex lurida (shallow sedge; native)
Carex magellanica (boreal bog sedge; native)
Carex meadii (Mead's sedge; native)
Carex merritt-fernaldii (Fernald's sedge; native)
Carex michauxiana (Michaux's sedge; native)
Carex molesta (troublesome sedge; native)
Carex muehlenbergii (Muhlenberg's sedge; native)
Carex muskingumensis (palm sedge; native)
Carex normalis (greater straw sedge; native)
Carex obtusata (obtuse sedge; native)
Carex oligocarpa (richwoods sedge; native)
Carex oligosperma (few-seeded sedge; native)
Carex ormostachya (necklace spike sedge; native)
Carex pallescens (pale sedge; native)
Carex pauciflora (few-flowered sedge; native)
Carex peckii (Peck's sedge; native)
Carex pedunculata (long-stalked sedge; native)
Carex pellita (woolly sedge; native)
Carex pensylvanica (oak sedge, Pennsylvania sedge; native)
Carex plantaginea (plantain-leaved sedge; native)
Carex praegracilis (clustered field sedge; native)
Carex prairea (prairie sedge; native)
Carex praticola (meadow sedge; native)
Carex projecta (necklace sedge; native)
Carex pseudocyperus (cypress-like sedge; native)
Carex radiata (eastern star sedge; native)
Carex retrorsa (knot-sheathed sedge; native)
Carex richardsonii (Richardson's sedge; native)
Carex rosea (rosy sedge; native)
Carex rossii (Ross's sedge; native)
Carex rostrata (beaked sedge; native)
Carex sartwellii (Sartwell's sedge; native)
Carex saximontana (Rocky Mountain sedge; native)
Carex scirpoidea (northern single-spiked sedge; native)
Carex scoparia (broom sedge; native)
Carex siccata (dry-spiked sedge; native)
Carex sparganioides (bur-reed sedge; native)
Carex squarrosa (squarrose sedge; native)
Carex sprengelii (long-beaked sedge, Sprengel's sedge; native)
Carex sterilis (dioecious sedge; native)
Carex stipata (awl-fruited sedge; native)
Carex stricta (upright sedge; native)
Carex suberecta (prairie straw sedge; native)
Carex supina (weak Arctic sedge; native)
Carex sychnocephala (many-headed sedge; native)
Carex tenera (quill sedge; native)
Carex tetanica (rigid sedge; native)
Carex tonsa (shaved sedge; native)
Carex torreyi (Torrey's sedge; native)
Carex trichocarpa (hairy-fruited sedge; native)
Carex trisperma (three-seeded sedge; native)
Carex tuckermanii (Tuckerman's sedge; native)
Carex typhina (cattail sedge; native)
Carex umbellata (parasol sedge; native)
Carex utriculata (Northwest Territory sedge; native)
Carex vaginata (sheathed sedge; native)
Carex vesicaria (blister sedge; native)
Carex viridula (little green sedge; native)
Carex vulpinoidea (fox sedge; native)
Carex woodii (pretty sedge; native)
Carex xerantica (white-scaled sedge; native)
Cenchrus longispinus (sandbur; native)
Cinna arundinacea (stout woodreed, sweet woodreed; native)
Cinna latifolia (drooping woodreed; native)
Cladium mariscoides (smooth sawgrass; native)
Cyperus acuminatus (taper-tipped flatsedge; native)
Cyperus bipartitus (slender flatsedge; native)
Cyperus diandrus (umbrella flatsedge; native)
Cyperus erythrorhizos (red-rooted flatsedge; native)
Cyperus esculentus (yellow nutsedge; native)
Cyperus fuscus (brown flatsedge; introduced from Eurasia)
Cyperus houghtonii (Houghton's flatsedge; native)
Cyperus lupulinus (Great Plains flatsedge; native)
Cyperus odoratus (fragrant flatsedge; native)
Cyperus rotundus (nutgrass; native or introduced from Eurasia)
Cyperus schweinitzii (Schweinitz's flatsedge; native)
Cyperus squarrosus (bearded flatsedge; native)
Cyperus strigosus (straw-colored flatsedge; native)
Danthonia spicata (poverty oatgrass; native)
Dactylis glomerata (orchard grass; introduced from Eurasia)
Digitaria ischaemum (smooth crabgrass; introduced from Eurasia)
Digitaria sanguinalis (hairy crabgrass; introduced from Europe)
Elymus canadensis (Canada wild rye; native)
Elymus hystrix (bottlebrush grass; native)
Elymus repens (quackgrass; introduced from Eurasia)
Eragrostis cilianensis (stink grass; introduced from Europe)
Eragrostis spectabilis (purple lovegrass; native)
Hesperostipa comata (needle-and-thread grass; native)
Hesperostipa spartea (porcupine grass; native)
Hordeum jubatum (foxtail barley; native)
Hordeum pusillum (little barley; native)
Hordeum vulgare (barley; introduced from Eurasia)
Juncus canadensis (Canada rush; native)
Juncus tenuis (path rush; native)
Koeleria macrantha (junegrass; native)
Luzula acuminata (hairy woodrush; native)
Luzula multiflora (common woodrush; native)
Luzula parviflora (small-flowered woodrush; native)
Muhlenbergia asperifolia (alkali muhly, scratchgrass; native)
Muhlenbergia cuspidata (plains muhly, prairie satingrass; native)
Muhlenbergia frondosa (wire-stemmed muhly, common satingrass; native)
Muhlenbergia glomerata (spiked muhly, marsh muhly; native)
Muhlenbergia mexicana (Mexican muhly, leafy satingrass, wirestem muhly; native)
Muhlenbergia racemosa (marsh muhly; native)
Muhlenbergia richardsonis (mat muhly; native)
Muhlenbergia schreberi (nimblewill; native)
Muhlenbergia sylvatica (woodland muhly; native)
Muhlenbergia uniflora (bog muhly; native)
Panicum capillare (witchgrass; native)
Panicum dichotomiflorum (fall panicgrass; native)
Panicum miliaceum (proso millet; introduced from Asia)
Panicum philadelphicum (Philadelphia panicgrass; native)
Panicum virgatum (switchgrass; native)
Paspalum setaceum (thin paspalum; native)
Phalaris arundinacea (reed canarygrass; native and introduced)
Schizachyrium scoparium (little bluestem; native)
Sorghastrum nutans (indiangrass; native)
Spartina pectinata (prairie cordgrass; native)
Sporobolus compositus (tall dropseed; native)
Sporobolus cryptandrus (sand dropseed; native)
Sporobolus heterolepis (prairie dropseed; native)
Sporobolus neglectus (small dropseed; native)
Sporobolus vaginiflorus (sheathed dropseed; native)
Triplasis purpurea (sand grass; native)
Tripsacum dactyloides (gama grass; native)
Zizania aquatica (wild rice; native)
Zizania palustris (northern wild rice; native)
Kata Kunci Pencarian:
- List of Minnesota grasses, sedges, and rushes
- Outline of Minnesota
- Poa pratensis
- Luzula multiflora
- Aspen parkland
- List of California native plants
- Sora (bird)
- Snake River Plain (ecoregion)
- Green-winged teal
- Prosartes trachycarpa