• Source: List of rare flora of the Mallee region
  • This is a list of endangered flora of the Mallee region, a biogeographic region in southern Western Australia. It includes all taxa that occur in the region, and have been classified as "R: Declared Rare Flora - Extant Taxa" under the Department of Environment and Conservation's Declared Rare and Priority Flora List, and are hence gazetted as endangered extant flora under the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950.
    There are no taxa classified as "X: Declared Rare Flora - Presumed Extinct Taxa" for the region.
    There are 50 endangered taxa:

    Acacia auratiflora
    Acacia caesariata
    Acacia depressa
    Acacia lanuginophylla
    Acacia leptalea
    Acacia trulliformis
    Adenanthos eyrei (Toolinna Adenanthos)
    Adenanthos pungens subsp. pungens
    Allocasuarina tortiramula (Twisted Sheoak)
    Anigozanthos bicolor subsp. minor
    Banksia sphaerocarpa var. dolichostyla (Ironcap Banksia)
    Boronia capitata subsp. capitata
    Boronia revoluta (Ironcaps Boronia)
    Caladenia bryceana subsp. bryceana
    Caladenia drakeoides
    Caladenia graniticola
    Caladenia melanema
    Calectasia pignattiana
    Conostylis lepidospermoides (Sedge Conostylis)
    Conostylis rogeri
    Drummondita longifolia
    Dryandra pseudoplumosa
    Eremophila lactea
    Eremophila nivea (Silky Eremophila)
    Eremophila verticillata (Whorled Eremophila)
    Eucalyptus merrickiae (Goblet Mallee)
    Eucalyptus steedmanii (Steedman's Gum)
    Goodenia integerrima
    Grevillea involucrata (Lake Varley Grevillea)
    Grevillea scapigera
    Hibbertia priceana
    Lechenaultia laricina (Scarlet Leschenaultia)
    Muehlenbeckia horrida subsp. abdita
    Myoporum cordifolium
    Myoporum turbinatum (Salt Myoporum)
    Orthrosanthus muelleri
    Ptilotus fasciculatus
    Rhizanthella gardneri (Underground Orchid)
    Ricinocarpos trichophorus
    Roycea pycnophylloides (Saltmat)
    Sphenotoma drummondii (Mountain Paper-heath)
    Stachystemon vinosus
    Symonanthus bancroftii
    Tetratheca aphylla (Bungalbin Tetratheca)
    Thelymitra psammophila (Sandplain Sun Orchid)
    Thelymitra stellata (Star Sun Orchid)
    Tribonanthes purpurea (Granite Pink)
    Verticordia crebra
    Verticordia staminosa var. cylindracea
    Verticordia staminosa var. erecta


    Further reading

    Burgman, Mark A. (1985), Rare plants of the Eastern Roe Botanical District, Report 27, Rare and geographically restricted plants of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia: Department of Conservation and Land Management, Government of Western Australia

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