- Source: Mysteries of the Abandoned
Mysteries of the Abandoned is an American documentary television series produced by Like a Shot Productions that documents various abandoned locations and their future. The series premiered on August 20, 2017, and on August 14, 2023, the series debuted its last official season being renamed Mysteries of the Abandoned: Hidden America that focuses on abandoned buildings and locations around the continental United States.
The series has various consultants that range from military historians, authors, and explorers. It has featured individuals such as Lynette Nusbacher, Geoffrey Wawro, Andrew Gough, and Alicia Gutirrez-Romine.
It has featured several specials such as Skeletons of the Apocalypse (2018), The Real Shawshank (2018) and Alien Nazi Hell Holes (2019).
Mysteries of the Abandoned is an American documentary television series produced by Like a Shot Productions that documents various abandoned locations and their future. The series premiered on August 20, 2017, and on August 14, 2023, the series debuted its last official season being renamed Mysteries of the Abandoned: Hidden America that focuses on abandoned buildings and locations around the continental United States. The series is expected to return in 2024.