- Source: Narkomprod
Narkomprod or the People's Commissariat for Food Supplies, (translit. Narodny Commissariat Prodovolstviya, Russian: Наркомпрод, Народный комиссариат продовольствия) was the Commissariat of the Russian SFSR (Narkomprod of the RSFSR) and later of the Soviet Union (Narkomprod of the USSR) in charge of food supplies and consumer industrial goods.
The Narkomprod was responsible in June 1918 for the attempted organisation of 'committees of the poor' in provincial villages. This was an attempt to encourage a 'class war' in the countryside but it did not materialise, mainly because the peasants were not resentful of 'kulaks' (rich peasants) as there was a tendency for all peasants to have the same interests (for example, their own land ownership).
People's Commissars
Ivan Teodorovich (1875–1937) (Russian Иван Адольфович Теодорович), 1917-1917
Alexander Schlichter (1868–1940) (Russian Александр Григорьевич Шлихтер), 1917–1918
Alexander Zjurupa (1870–1928) (Russian Александр Дмитриевич Цюрупа), 1918–1921
Nikolai Bryukhanov (1878–1938) (Russian Николай Павлович Брюханов), 1921–1923 (of RSFSR) 1923-1924 (of the USSR)