• Source: National Democracy (Czech Republic)
    • No To Brussels - National Democracy or simply the National Democracy (Czech: Národní demokracie, short ND) is a national-conservative and eurosceptic political party in the Czech Republic. The party was founded in fall 2005 as "Law and Justice - Yes to traditional family, No to corruption and criminality" (Czech: Právo a Spravedlnost - ANO tradiční rodině, NE korupci a kriminalitě) or simply the "Law and Justice", inspired by Polish party Prawo i Sprawiedliwość.
      On 11 January 2014, the party transformed into the current No To Brussels - National Democracy, to bruit continuity with first Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia, Karel Kramář, and his Czechoslovak National Democracy.
      For 2019 European Parliament election party announced united list with the Party of Common Sense.
      In April 2019 party signed cooperation agreement with the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.

      Election results

      = Presidential


      = European Parliament



      External links

      Official website

    Kata Kunci Pencarian: