- Source: Original Meanings
- Republikanisme di Amerika Serikat
- Teknologi
- Globalisasi
- Juan Valverde de Amusco
- Iman dalam Kekristenan
- Hukum gerak Newton
- Gopnik
- Analytika Protera
- Holokaus
- Surah At-Taubah
- Original Meanings
- Originalism
- Chinese character meanings
- The Meaning of Meaning
- Humpty Dumpty
- Original intent
- Shimajiri District, Okinawa
- List of words having different meanings in American and British English (A–L)
- Brogan
- Éliphas Lévi
Original Meanings: Politics and Ideas in the Making of the Constitution is a non-fiction book authored by Jack N. Rakove and published on March 25, 1996 in hardcover by Knopf and on May 26, 1997 by Vintage Books in paperback. Rakove investigates the meaning of the United States Constitution in modern-day society and political topics. It won the 1997 Pulitzer Prize for History.
External links
Booknotes interview with Rakove on Original Meanings, July 6, 1997