- Source: PGC 29820
PGC 29820 (known as JO204) is a spiral galaxy located 600 million light-years away from the Solar System in the Sextans constellation. The galaxy is about 120,000 light-years in diameter and is a member of Abell 957, a low-mass galaxy cluster. The first known reference to this galaxy is from volume I of the Catalogue of Galaxies and of Clusters of Galaxies compiled by Fritz Zwicky in 1961, where it was listed as CGCG 008-077.
PGC 29820 is classified a massive galaxy with a stellar mass of M* = 4 x1010 M. It contains an active galactic nucleus with double-peaked narrow lines. Moreover, it is also a Seyfert 2 galaxy.
PGC 29820 is classified a jellyfish galaxy. According to Gullieuszik, the galaxy is currently in a first phrase of infalling into the cluster where it is subjected to ram pressure by the intracluster medium.
Because dense gas is compressed, it eventually collapses to form new stars in both the galaxy's tail and its disk. According to researchers, the stars inside the tail, has a star formation rate of 0.22 M○ yr1 which began during the last 500 million years.
In additional, PGC 29820 shows a large presence of molecular gas making up H2 mass of 8.3 x 109 M○. Looking at ratio of total molecular hydrogen mass and stellar mass, it is estimated as 0.42.
See also
IC 4141
PGC 65543
PGC 1228197
ESO 137-001