- Source: Plakat-plakat Torslunda
plakat" target="_blank">Plakat-plakat" target="_blank">plakat Torslunda adalah empat benda perunggu yang ditemukan di paroki Torslunda, pulau Öland, Swedia. Keempat plakat" target="_blank">plakat tersebut bergambar relief, mewakili apa yang ditampilkan dalam adegan tradisional dari mitologi Jermanik.
Daftar pustaka
Arrhenius, Birgit & Freij, Henry (1992). "'Pressbleck' Fragments from the East Mound in Old Uppsala Analyzed with a Laser Scanner" (PDF). Laborativ Arkeologi. Stockholm University (6): 75–110.
Axboe, Morten (1987). "Copying in Antiquity: The Torslunda Plates". Dalam Häßler, Hans-Jürgen. Studien zur Sachsenforschung. 6. Hildesheim: Lax. hlm. 13–21. ISBN 3-7848-1617-7.
Beck, Heinrich (December 1968). "Die Stanzen von Torslunda und die literarische Überlieferung". Frühmittelalterliche Studien. Münster. 2: 237–250. doi:10.1515/9783110242027.237.
Bowring, Joanna (2012). Turquet, Josephine, ed. Chronology of Temporary Exhibitions at the British Museum (PDF). British Museum Research Publications. 189. London: The British Museum. ISBN 978-0-86159-189-3.
Bruce-Mitford, Rupert (December 1968). "Fresh observations on the Torslunda Plates". Frühmittelalterliche Studien. Münster. 2: 233–236. doi:10.1515/9783110242027.233.
Bruce-Mitford, Rupert (1974). Aspects of Anglo-Saxon Archaeology: Sutton Hoo and Other Discoveries. London: Victor Gollancz. ISBN 0-575-01704-X.
Hagberg, Ulf Erik (December 1976). "Fundort und Fundgebiet der Modeln aus Torslunda". Frühmittelalterliche Studien. Münster. 10: 323–349. doi:10.1515/9783110242096.323.
Liberman, Anatoly (2016). "Berserk Rage through the Ages". Valla Journal. 2 (1).
Price, Neil & Mortimer, Paul (2014). "An Eye for Odin? Divine Role-Playing in the Age of Sutton Hoo". European Journal of Archaeology. European Association of Archaeologists. 17 (3): 517–538. doi:10.1179/1461957113Y.0000000050.