- Source: Rainbow Brite (2014 TV series)
Rainbow Brite is a three-part animated series that premiered on November 6, 2014, by the on-demand site Feeln. It is a reboot of the series of the same name, with updated character designs, and stars Emily Osment as the voice of Rainbow Brite and Molly Ringwald as the voice of Dark Princess. The second episode was shown on November 13 and the series concluded on November 20, 2014.
Emily Osment as Rainbow Brite
Molly Ringwald as Dark Princess
Marcus Toji as Brian
Mark C. Hanson as Starlite
Alexandra Krosney as Stormy / Canary Yellow
Cam Clarke as Murky Dismal / Red Butler
Todd Bosley as Lurky
Mariana Flores as Mr. Glitters / Captain Fuzz / Patty O'Green
Evan Cooper as Buddy Blue
External links
Rainbow Brite at IMDb