- Source: Rhepoxynius
Rhepoxynius is a genus of amphipod. It is found along the east and west coasts of North America.
The genus Rhepoxynius contains the following species:
Rhepoxynius abronius
Rhepoxynius barnardi
Rhepoxynius bicuspidatus
Rhepoxynius boreovariatus
Rhepoxynius daboius
Rhepoxynius epistomus
Rhepoxynius fatigans
Rhepoxynius gemmatus
Rhepoxynius heterocuspidatus
Rhepoxynius homocuspidatus
Rhepoxynius lucubrans
Rhepoxynius menziesi
Rhepoxynius pallidus
Rhepoxynius stenodes
Rhepoxynius tridentatus
Rhepoxynius variatus
Rhepoxynius vigitegus
= Etymology
=The name Rhepoxynius comes from rhepo, meaning "slope", and oxyno, meaning "sharpen".