- Source: Rhizopogon subg. Amylopogon
Rhizopogon amylopogon is a sub-genus of Rhizopogon containing seven species.
R. brunsii
R. arctostaphyli
R. kretzerae
R. salebrosus
R. pinyonensis
R. ellenae
R. subpurpurascens
Sub-genus Amylopogon are ectomycorrhizal fungi categorized as monotropoid mycorrhiza. These fungi are characterized by the presence of a mantle, Hartig net, unique fungal peg, and intracellular hyphal complexes. They are also classified by a specific and obligate symbiosis with members of Monotropoideae through a process known as myco-heterotrophy. Monotropoideae species depend on Amylopogon fungi for carbon which they in turn acquire from members of Pinus in a host specific tripartite Hartig net exchange.